What program have you guys done that just sticks out more then any othe rprogram. Or which program gave you the best results or just simply kicked your ass?
I loved great guns and Kings get back in shape series.
I’ve had great gains with every program I’ve tried here so far…
Super Strength
Diamonds in the Rough
Big Back Stack
Chad Waterbury’s ABBH program.
Westside. Also strongman programs using the basic principles.
maximal weights and ovt.
MAX-OT followed closely by Joel’s 5X5. Going to the Dark…Eh Westside next week and I am MORE than a little excited to try it!
Joel Marion’s Training for Maximal Size. It’s working wonders for me now. I’m gaining so much functional strength that I’m amazed.
mentally, it’s the easiest to stay focued on.
nothing like a ticking clock to keep your mind on the task at hand.
My own routine?!?!?
I never followed one from a book or magazine always learned form those programs and created my own.
In Health,
Silas C.
Renegade Training.
20 lbs of lean body mass and 235 lbs on my squat with Westside. There is no better side.
EDT has worked best with my clients.
For me, a lot of the programs outlined in Modern Trends have worked wonders for me. Cluster training, Mechanical Advantage Drop Sets, 5X5, 6X4, and Wave Loading have all shown great progress for myself and some of my clients as well.
I always use my own routines and I think everyone should find their own variations too.
There are a lot of good ideas out there, (eg. 5x5, Westside, etc) but everyone should gain some understanding of the principles behind them and learn to adapt them to construct their own workouts. Everyone is different and once you’re beyond the novice stage, you will have to fine tune everything to suit your own body.
End rant.
HST was good.
EDT was great.
Meltdown I was great for fat loss, and Meltdown II was working, but I injured my shoulder. My first time with ballistic moves. Even started with an extremely low weight and eased in.
I tend to notice the most progress with programs that use olympic movements. I’m tall (6’1) and these are the only movements that can truly put size/strength on my frame. First time I tried Meltdown II I made phenomenal progress because it incorporates a lot of power snatches, power cleans and push presses, etc. So if you’re tall and you’ve tried everything else, i’d give some olympic movements a shot!
Westside, baby!
i always wondered what goldbergs favourite was…
westsdie ceratainly brought my squat and dead up faster than anything else.
Max-OT for bodybuilding type gains.