I’m a big fan of the 92 series. The Storm, well, takes all kinds I guess.
The 92 series should have been put out to pasture the day it was made.
It’s heavy and clunky and the first generation used 3rd party mags. At least they fixed that debacle.
With the open top junk and debris can also get in it causing FTF issues.
I’ve used a few in classes and in hard conditions and they suck absolute ass.
Interesting data points. I appreciate info from people who shoot more than me. I have only run mine at the range. As it is worth over a grand used it is too nice for me to carry, and is just a range toy, maybe shoot in competition if I ever get the chance.
I do like DA/SA pistols, what is your opinion on the CZ P07 & P09? I just got a deal on an 09 and haven’t gotten the chance to shoot it, but the design seems simple and robust, and in that price range I can afford a pair and a spare.
I want one strictly for how it looks haha. One of my favorites appearance wise. I actually really like shooting my friends, but that’s just punching paper, never ran one hard. My 85 is also super rad.
Not the big guy you originally asked, and not the same guns, but my P01 and SP01 are my two favorite handguns I have to shoot. Ergos and triggers are bit different, but they’re still cousins. I’m pretty sure the 07 and 09 have mag compatibility with the 10 series too which is cool.
Love CZ pistols and shotguns. I try not to talk about it though for fear of being called a hipster.
Great guns and will hold up to abuse. Reminds me of shooting a polymer version of the Arex Delta.
One of my favorite hobbies is putting guns through hell and a lot of rounds. Everything I buy I actually shoot as extensively as possible and in varying conditions.
Always looking for something to surprise me.
That is fair haha.
They are beautiful guns.
I’ve never shot a CZ pistol I didn’t like. They’re honestly some of the most reliable, accurate and ergonomic guns on the market. They were a secret of sorts for a while but have grown popular. Fortunately, they’re still a bargain.
I use their competition ready pistols for 3 gun and recently began carrying a P01 Omega in place of an HK USP Compact. I even changed calibers to do it.
For a little gun, it’s actually comfortable in my hand, i can be on target and often put shot through shot at 10 yards from holster at just under 2 seconds, and it’s cheap enough that if ever confiscated I’ll be more irritated than mad. If you read it’s stress test results there are no other guns to buy for a shtf or must work defense scenario outside of revolvers.
And it’s not an ugly Glock that might hit an ear or a ballsack when aiming center mass.
Mine are rather plain compared to some…
- Ruger M14 7.62
- Ruger GP100 .357
- Glock 19
not the most glamorous selection…