What's Your Cruise Dose?

I know a lot of guys on the forums B&C. I was wondering what is your dosage and how did you settle on that number?

I have seen anywhere from 125mg/wk to 400mg/wk, but there has to be guys doing even more. It is a slippery slope and the temptation is high to bump it up a bit. So what does the science or broscience have to say about it?

I’d be interested to know how much a cruise dose helps you hold gains after a cycle. There must be a big temptation to just “cycle” continuously.

im still settling on a “perfect dose”, as it were.

it must be low enough that all of your health indicators are able to return to normal.

my next cruise is going to be:

400mg test E/week
250mg dnp/day
1.25mg letro EOD (may switch to 6.25mg aromasin 2x/day)

FWIW, I’m on TRT and blood tests every twelve weeks indicate that 140Mg per week has me at about 700 total test after seven days. So that’s my cruise dose, 140Mg. I finished an eight week cycle about nine weeks ago and have kept almost all of my gains (a recomp, body fat has remained about the same).

I’ve been cruising at 250mg/wk and actually kept making gains the first couple of cruises. I just started my 3rd cruise and I’ve gone down to 200mg/wk. I’m trying to find the point where i don’t need to take any ai and still keep test high. so a true trt dosage. i might have to drop it down to 150mg at the lowest but i think i can swing 200 based on bloodwork.

i lifted natural for 13 years so patience isn’t a problem. i’m making gains so fast it’s better than when i was a newbie. i’m enjoying it and keeping my connective tissue healthy with slow and steady progress. once it stalls i might be tempted to up the dosage but really the last 5-10 years of lifting drug free was so slow i’m not even worried about it.

i’m probably in the minority though not many people who use wait 13 years to do so and keep lifting just for the fun of it while making such slow progress. i’m 6’3" so feel like drugs are almost required to fill out my frame and not have a pathetic look and strength levels. dunno how i waited all those years tbh lol

i’ve heard pro’s say they cruise on 500mg/wk plus lots of hgh and slin just to hold on to all that mass. idk way above my pay grade.

for amateurs i think walkway’s advice is spot on. remember the whole point of cruising is to allow your body to return to normal healthy levels. so your cruise dose should be whatever allows you to do that based on bloodwork etc. BW for me was fine on 250mg but i want a break from taking an AI so i’m dropping it a bit.

i want to run dnp at 500mg/wk but it’s still so fucking hot out and i’m hot natured anyway. my girlfriend will barely sleep in the same bed as me i give off so much heat and that’s without dnp. last winter i was on 500mg and it was like 20 degrees outside. i had the window open and felt great never slept so good. she was wrapped around me like a life preserver to stay warm haha. can’t wait for this winter. it’s a great feeling walking around in a tshirt when it’s freezing out and the heat just gets sucked away but you’re still warm inside. not to mention the insane fat loss… and she said it makes me taste sweet so she loved to swallow. did i mention i can’t wait for winter? haha

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
im still settling on a “perfect dose”, as it were.

it must be low enough that all of your health indicators are able to return to normal.

my next cruise is going to be:

400mg test E/week
250mg dnp/day
1.25mg letro EOD (may switch to 6.25mg aromasin 2x/day)[/quote]

What metrics would you recommend for the health indicators?

[quote]KountKoma wrote:

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
im still settling on a “perfect dose”, as it were.

it must be low enough that all of your health indicators are able to return to normal.

my next cruise is going to be:

400mg test E/week
250mg dnp/day
1.25mg letro EOD (may switch to 6.25mg aromasin 2x/day)[/quote]

What metrics would you recommend for the health indicators?[/quote]

make sure everything is in range, no significant protein in urine…lp-pla2 test and cystatin c test in range.

Why would you use DNP when cruising ?

[quote]mutant100 wrote:
Why would you use DNP when cruising ? [/quote]

Blast & cruise = bulk & cut for most guys. It’s the logical way of doing things.

[quote]Androgenoid wrote:

[quote]mutant100 wrote:
Why would you use DNP when cruising ? [/quote]

Blast & cruise = bulk & cut for most guys. It’s the logical way of doing things.

But its easier to maintain most of the muscles on blast cycle tho ?

[quote]mutant100 wrote:
Why would you use DNP when cruising ? [/quote]

gaining phase
high doses of aas and lots of food to gain size. some fat is gained, and insulin sensitivity likely suffers somewhat.

cruising phase
low doses of aas to maintain. some weight will be lost, so taking DNP will help to ensure that the weight lost is fat.

lose extra fat and increase insulin sensitivity to prepare for next gaining phase. aas works much better when you are lean.

My actual TRT dose test = 250 to 300mg/ w… I’m doing some HCG and HGH too.


I do have some friends, BBers, and they do 500mg test/w and 600 to 800mg bold/w… they use some slin and HGH to keep the size… or even do some bulk while cruising ,… We really don’t know if this amount of drugs can let the body recover it self, all I know is they’re doing it for a long time ago… 7 to 10 years… they look healthy hahhaha… but you never know

This does touch on many aspects of TRT, see the stickies in the testosterone replacement forum.
Without labs, its guess work and wishful thinking:

hematocrit !!!
AST/ALT [liver] unfortunately, these can be elevated by intense training or injured/sore muscles
fasting glucose
fasting cholesterol
also check resting blood pressure