Test Blast/Cruise Question

would a six week blast at 1500-2000/week and six week cruise at 500ml/week be a good blast/cruise regimen? im 40 y/o ,and never plan to be “off” again.

It would be killer, BUT… seems excessive. I guess it would depend greatly on your past ass usage and your current knowledge. Give some background.

Im not on trt and i dont have much knowledge on it but wouldnt cruising at 500mgs be bad to have such high t for so long even tho your not comming off wouldnt it be better to cruise at your sugested trt dose?

Blast cruise…
500 MG’s a week is still blast IMO…

cruise would be like 100-200 mg’s a week…
200 Mg would put most people over the high end…

I cruise around 300mg when I do however 9 months out of the year I’m on about 750-1500mg of test continally. As long as you keep blood work current and other meds up to date your going to be fine. Keep a eye on BP, Cholesterol, and Hemocrit and you will be pretty good to go.

regarding my back ground, ive been cycling,off and on for the last two years, never went over 750/week with test, ive been a competitive powerlifter for close to fifteen years,never touched an AAS till i was 38 y/o.im 40 now. i train daily (Bulgarian)i’m about 15 % body fat?(see pic) and i walk around at about 208 lbs(compete at 198, raw,and multiply). strength is my only goal, i dont mind moving up a weight class or two (i have competed at 260 lbs in the past). my nutrition is solid and im major injury free. so thats my background, iwas just looking for some basic examples of a blast/cruise cycle,i know i will be using tren as well during blast phases and a strong oral during meet prep,so duration and doseage is what im trying to get nailed down.

Basically in my opinion

16-20 week blasts
1000-1500mg of Test
300-400mg of Deca to keep joints feeling nice and to replace the collagen synthesis rate that test slows down at such a high dose.

4-6 weeks out
Tren Ace 50-100mg daily depending on how you Handle tren.
1-2 orals at a standard dose.

Cruise for about 8 weeks at 300mg of Testing

hgh would be a nice addition

yes hgh would be nice,its just not in my budget and if it was i would be concerned it wasn’t real, but if i had the $ and faith in my supplier i would do it in a heartbeat.

Love the moustache bro

[quote]serial lifter wrote:
yes hgh would be nice,its just not in my budget and if it was i would be concerned it wasn’t real, but if i had the $ and faith in my supplier i would do it in a heartbeat.[/quote]

so many feels…

agree with reed. blast longer and drop the cruise dose but keep it 4-6 weeks (blood work permitting).

[quote]serial lifter wrote:
regarding my back ground, ive been cycling,off and on for the last two years, never went over 750/week with test, ive been a competitive powerlifter for close to fifteen years,never touched an AAS till i was 38 y/o.im 40 now. i train daily (Bulgarian)i’m about 15 % body fat?(see pic) and i walk around at about 208 lbs(compete at 198, raw,and multiply). strength is my only goal, i dont mind moving up a weight class or two (i have competed at 260 lbs in the past). my nutrition is solid and im major injury free. so thats my background, iwas just looking for some basic examples of a blast/cruise cycle,i know i will be using tren as well during blast phases and a strong oral during meet prep,so duration and doseage is what im trying to get nailed down. [/quote]

15% bf??? Does everyone else not think the guy in the pic is much lower?

i was estimating my bodyfat% i’m not a bodybuilder im a dumb old powerlifter :)so i just make an effort to not carry “useless” weight.

you look good brother, very strong.

What’re your numbers like?

my raw numbers are nothing special,510,405,505,(Neither are my equipped #s haha)

In terms of cruising, just 200mg a week puts me over the readable scale on my blood work (1500+) so I believe a cruise at that level or even 150mg would be fine.

500mg sounds like blasting, not cruising.

In the end the best way to determine is to get some blood work done though, see what levels you are at with your cruising levels (test it the day after injecting for high point and the day before next injection for low point) and go from there.

A post was split to a new topic: Planning PCT After 38 Week Test/Turinabol Cycle