I live in the DMV (DC, Maryland, VA area). You can find just about anything to do out here. From clubs to pubs to parties to the outdoorsie stuff. It’s all what you make of it and who you choose to hang with. I’m looking to move to Germany within the next year, so I’ll definitely want to hear from those that are there now.
[quote]Beast27195 wrote:
I live in the DMV (DC, Maryland, VA area). You can find just about anything to do out here. From clubs to pubs to parties to the outdoorsie stuff. It’s all what you make of it and who you choose to hang with. [/quote]
I have a whole thread dedicate to the ‘excitement’ that happens in my area:
[quote]skaz05 wrote:
SSC wrote:
Well, I live in a college town, so it’s quite fucking decent. Although this place is a little more dependent on bars, opposed to my first university, which was all house parties and shit shows every day of the week.
I have only been living in KZ for 8 months now, I moved here from BC.
There was nothing to do in BC.
Anyway, what is there to do here in KZ? I mainly stay in my apartment because I hate going out during the winter, but now that summer is almost here I dont know what there is to do around here. I would like to go to some heavy metal vomit parties, or at least a club that plays metal.
When I lived in Anaheim there was this club I went to on Sundays that played a lot of old school thrash and death metal. I wish I could find soemthing like that out here.[/quote]
It’s a college town, surely they have a local entertainment guide. I know there are a lot of metal heads in Grand Rapids.
Make sure you hit the beaches on lake Michigan. Yankee springs recreation area, north of KZ is a popular spot. Lot’s of good mountain biking in that part of the state.
I’m on the other side of the state, but Michigan in the summer is awesome, especially if you like water.
[quote]jasmincar wrote:
Rattler wrote:
I live in Toronto, and Toronto’s social life hasn’t changed much… if at all in years.
Woop boop!
Toronto is the ugliest and most boring town ever[/quote]
Very true!
[quote]skaz05 wrote:
SSC wrote:
Well, I live in a college town, so it’s quite fucking decent. Although this place is a little more dependent on bars, opposed to my first university, which was all house parties and shit shows every day of the week.
I have only been living in KZ for 8 months now, I moved here from BC.
There was nothing to do in BC.
Anyway, what is there to do here in KZ? I mainly stay in my apartment because I hate going out during the winter, but now that summer is almost here I dont know what there is to do around here. I would like to go to some heavy metal vomit parties, or at least a club that plays metal.
When I lived in Anaheim there was this club I went to on Sundays that played a lot of old school thrash and death metal. I wish I could find soemthing like that out here.[/quote]
Like GVkid said below, there really isn’t much of a death metal scene around here. It’s definitely more focused on rap and hip-hop (I mean, it’s Kalamazoo haha…) and Grand Rapids / Metro areas are where you’re going to find more of what you’re looking for. Granted, I haven’t really invested a whole lot of time into finding one of these, so I may not to be the best to ask.
As for actual things to do… shit, be creative! It’s a nice, hilly town, so there’s lots of great bike paths, South Haven’s beach line is fantastic, there’s plenty of music clubs, bars (if you’re 21… Three months!), mostly shit like that.
I’m not sure if you’re into partying (I seldom am,) but like I mentioned earlier, bars are much more of a tradition in Kzoo than house parties… unless you’re in the Student Ghetto during the summer/fall months. Then it’s a great time.
During the summer there’s SO much shit. Blues festivals, Taste of Kalamazoo, something like Reggaefest (can’t think of the title.)
Other than that… I don’t know man.
its better in the summer time, when its tolerable to be outside for periods of time longer than however long your commute is.
My problem is I work 7am - 5pm Monday through Friday in the summer and have to be up by 5:30 to make it in on time. So night life through the week sucks and on the weekend everyone just wants to go get wasted and the bars are too expensive (I end up paying about $60 a night out here and thats ALMOST groceries for a week) Although I could invest some money in getting my bike working again but then what to do with the dog… lol. As far as anything remotely close to metal bars… There’s a more punkish type bar called skeletones off of division usually a highschool crowd though so it’s REALLY lame. Otherwise the Intersection has some decent bands once in a while.
I live 5min from Waikiki so every nights a party.
[quote]GVkid wrote:
My problem is I work 7am - 5pm Monday through Friday in the summer and have to be up by 5:30 to make it in on time. So night life through the week sucks and on the weekend everyone just wants to go get wasted and the bars are too expensive (I end up paying about $60 a night out here and thats ALMOST groceries for a week) Although I could invest some money in getting my bike working again but then what to do with the dog… lol. As far as anything remotely close to metal bars… There’s a more punkish type bar called skeletones off of division usually a highschool crowd though so it’s REALLY lame. Otherwise the Intersection has some decent bands once in a while.[/quote]
lol i go to school or work every single day.
my workdays include thursday, friday, and saturday night (sunday night too) and as i work in a resturaunt theres no telling when i can even get out, sometimes early like 9 sometimes late like 2am.
but its whatever cause even if i didnt work late nights i probaly wouldnt do much lol
People here work from 8-6 or 8, and then go shopping.
Weekends there are both clubs and bars, but clubs are expensive (like, $25-$30 US), though they’re open bar. Bars themselves… somewhat subdued. And to be honest, I don’t really see the point.
Girls are attractive though.
There’s no live-music scene to speak of, but I hear there’s interesting diving and surfing on some of the western islands.
Eggs, fruit, veggies and pork are SUPER-cheap though. So there’s always that.