People seem to go mad for Flameout on this forum. I know fish oil is very good for you, but not to the extent ppl are raving about it. Am I missing something here?
Flameout is £30 for 90 caps in the UK - which is a lot for fish oil (even concentrated fish oil).
[quote]appro wrote:
People seem to go mad for Flameout on this forum. I know fish oil is very good for you, but not to the extent ppl are raving about it. Am I missing something here?
Flameout is £30 for 90 caps in the UK - which is a lot for fish oil (even concentrated fish oil).
Enlighten me please Flameout fans.
I bought 30 bottles last year when the exchange rate was good. It worked out to be about £22.50 each after tax shipping etc…
If you haven’t already been swept up in the net, here are seven proven benefits you should know about.
Freedom from pain and inflammation. Omega 3 fish oil fatty acids, particularly EPA, have a very positive effect on your inflammatory response. Through several mechanisms, they regulate your body’s inflammation cycle, which prevents and relieves painful conditions like arthritis, prostatitis, cystitis and anything else ending in “itis.”
Better brain function and higher intelligence. Pregnant and nursing mothers can have a great impact on the intelligence and happiness of their babies by supplementing with omega 3 fish oil with DHA. For adults, fish oil improves memory, recall, reasoning and focus. You’ll swear you’re getting younger and smarter.
Feeling better with much less depression. Making you smarter is not all that fish oil does for your brain. Psychiatry department researchers at the University of Sheffield UK, along with many other research studies, found that fish oil supplements “alleviated” the symptoms of depression, bipolar and psychosis. [Journal of Affective Disorder Vol. 48(2-3);149-55]
Lower incidence of childhood disorders. Just to show how fish oil fatty acids leave nobody out, studies show that children (and adults) with ADD and ADHD experience a greatly improved quality of life. And those with dyslexia, dyspraxia and compulsive disorders have gotten a new lease on life thanks to fish oil supplements.
Superior cardiovascular health. Fish oil’s DHA, EPA and DPA have also been proven to work wonders for your heart and the miles and miles of arteries and veins that make up your cardiovascular system. They help lower cholesterol, tryglicerides, LDLs and blood pressure, while at the same time increasing good HDL cholesterol. This adds years to your life expectancy.
Protection from heart attack and stroke. When plaque builds up on arterial walls and then breaks loose, it causes what’s known as a thrombosis, which is a fancy way of saying clot. If a clot gets stuck in the brain, it causes a stroke and when it plugs an artery, it causes a heart attack. Research shows fish oil fatty acids break up clots before they can cause any damage.
Reduction of breast, colon and prostate cancer. And finally, fish oil has been shown to help prevent three of the most common forms of cancer ? breast, colon and prostate. Science tells us that it accomplishes this in three ways ? by stopping the alteration from a normal healthy cell to a cancerous mass, by inhibiting unwanted cellular growth and by killing off cancer cells.
I know the benefits of fish oil. I eat tons of fish and I also take EPA fish oil supps, but why Flameout? I know it’s concentrated, but I’m not sure I really need it. Not at that price.
if you compare the EPA/DHA in it, its a very good price for it, plus it also has CLA in it, which also has some very favorable influences on body comp. i actually priced out buying everything separate and in bulk, and Flameout is roughly the same as buying the DHA/EPA and CLA. you just dont need to take as many caps/day
This is the beauty of Biotest’s products. I was taking all those caps with each meal and it was getting annoying. With Flameout, it’s 2 caps, bam, done! I love it.
[quote]appro wrote:
I know the benefits of fish oil. I eat tons of fish and I also take EPA fish oil supps, but why Flameout? I know it’s concentrated, but I’m not sure I really need it. Not at that price.
I’m guessing you have a better recommendation for people looking for fish oil on a budget?
Fish oil is pretty much fish oil. But Flameout is highly concentrated. The main benefit is a lot of bang in a few pills. Some people don’t want to take a couple fish oil pills with each meal. Flameout also has some CLA which has its own anti-inlammatory and body composition benefits.
"When cooked (dry heat), salmon (Atlantic, wild) provides 2.218 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, derived from EPA (0.411g), DHA (1.429g), and ALA (0.378g), per 100 grams of salmon (Atlantic, wild). "
This is just a small part, the rest is here, under the Nutritional Highlights heading.
I did the math out to see how many of my cheap fish oil pills i’d have to take a day in order to meet the DHA alone and it was something like 16; 4 times that of Flameout.
[quote]B rocK wrote:
I did the math out to see how many of my cheap fish oil pills i’d have to take a day in order to meet the DHA alone and it was something like 16; 4 times that of Flameout.[/quote]
Agreed. If I take 16 a day of the bottle I get that has 400 in it that will last 25 days. Flameout will last 22.5 days. The Flameout still costs more but the ratios are better plus it has CLA. There are many positive health benefits for taking fish oil but when you have arthritis and back/neck injuries like me the main goal is pain management.
It all comes down to if you can handle taking 4-6 pills at each meal or do you want to take 1-2?
One gram per 10 lbs of bodyweight is recommended for fat loss (Cosgrove). I’m 180 lbs so I was taking 18 generic fish oil capsules a day. I would just divide them up amoungst my 6 meals. 3 caps at each meal plus a cap of CLA. When I discovered Flameout, I liked the idea of taking less pills for the same affect. Costs about the same.
I’ve read/heard of Coach Thibs taking up to 40g/day in a fat loss phase. I don’t think you can overdose on fish oil.