Hey all
i have been doing SL 5x5 now for like 10 weeks,
i started very low on the weights after being out of action for a long time nearly a year (just the very odd day of lifting here and there in that year)
my progress in 5x5 was very good imo , i got to weights it had previously taken me 2yrs to get to with my haphazard made up routine (an upper lower split i did )
anyways last week i stalled on my deadlift of 205 lbs i went to lift it and just barely got one rep out, where as my previous DL of 195lbs i done fairly easy all 5 reps.
Now in my head straight away i put it down to the xmas period ,(diff sleeping patterns and eating habits)and new year and birthday all in a 10 day period , diet was kept as good as i could for the ten days but obviously xmas is xmas
at 39 yrs old now i think squatting 3 days a week and increasing the weight every workout might be a bit much for me (recovery wise) and if im honest lifting 200 or 500lb is not a goal of mine anymore.
My goal is to get lean and to hold some strength. Id like one day to have abs once in my life…
age 39
weight 185lbs
waist 32inch
height 5 9
i like working out about 5 days a week even 6 if need be. 3days on 4 off in 5x5 is ok if your goal is to get stronger and lift heavier, but my goal really is to lean out lose body fat and even be able to do say 10 pull ups (at the moment 1 is a struggle)
once again i will say i liked the sl-5x5 it really has given me the lifting bug again and im happy to whatever it takes to reach my goals.
My previous workouts in the two years i did was one day lifting one day cardio lifting cardio (treadmill running sometimes just long 3-5mile jog/walk sometimes interval sprints) i think this is also a bit hard on my recovery. some days i would run in morning and lift in evening. SO my question is what program would be suited to my needs
I have read previous threads where people are asking very similar questions like their goal is “to get fit” or “to get lean” and i understand how that is very vague of an answer so im trying best to explain my specific goals.
i like the idea of being able to run 3miles in like 18-20mins
i like the idea of having a toned torso visible ab lines and no moobs.
i like the idea of bench pressing 1.5xBW for how many reps i dont know
id like to be able to do pull ups maybe 10 in a row
and just the general things like good arms legs back size etc there was one guy on here an over 35 if i remember correctly with a similar frame size to me and he achieved what i would like. but for the life of me i cant find his name or threads
Things i know i have to work on are diet/cals and that is something i will do and have been doing
what i need is a solid workout to do where it keeps me intrigued, the 5x5 really showed me that the goal each workout was to add 5lbs and 10lbs to DLs and that kept me really focussed, my old style was just going in and doing say upper/lower split and id just keep adding plates each workout til failure, while i liked that at first but i realise it really isn’t structured properly.
Any input would be much appeciated even if its just links to good workout plans
thanks (sorry for such a long read)