I’d never felt the urge to start a thread until now. Sure, I’d venture out of the shadows to make the occasional comment, which more often than not went unnoticed. I felt like the internet equivalent of the weirdo in the corner. Sometimes, purely for attention, I’d engage a troll or two, but in time, I came to learn that trolls -fickle, heart-breaking creatures that they are- don’t lavish their attention on one person. No! they like to spread their sticky lovin’ all over the internet like the two timing bastards that they are. But that’s another story…
Trolls came and went, as they always do. I drifted across a sea of loneliness on a raft of creative impotence (with a sail of extremely pretentious poetry). That is, until one day, a muse of inspiration fluttered down from the heavens, perched delicately on my shoulder, and whispered in my ear. She, the source of all imagination, inspiration (and in my case, perspiration and dehydration) asked me a question that in spite of all her divine power, she was unable to answer. A question so sacred…so ageless and beyond human understanding, that it must have been asked and misunderstood a million times over…and will continue to be asked and misunderstood until the end of time. No, it wasn’t the answer to the meaning of life, but something far,far more profound. “What was the question that the muse whispered in my ear?” you may ask - well, I’ll reveal to you the six simple words that have plagued me for an answer ever since…“What the hell is a bulk?”
That’s right.What the hell is a bulk? It seems simple enough. My instincts told me that I should post it in the beginner’s section and present the question Sesame Street style. I quickly rejected that idea when I realized that using Sesame Street level terms to describe a bulk to beginners would result in them having a better chance of winning first prize at a Cookie Monster lookalike competition than a Bodybuilding contest. It’s not the first time, right?
I immediately realized that most beginners resent being called “beginners” and jump straight to the bodybuilding section to save themselves the trouble of doing any actual research (duh!),preferring instead to present themselves as intermediate or advanced trainess, only to ask convoluted hypothetical questions that betray their lack of training experience. By posting it here, I’ve hopefully anticipated that move. My question is to you all is this: What the hell is a bulk?
Beginner or advanced, young or old, rich or poor. please leave your answers. We all think we know what the answer is, but so many get it wrong. Roll up, roll up and give your definition! Only then can we put this very large, obstinate, ravenous, muscular baby to bed…