A bent-over rear deltoid raise? I can’t seem to find a description to do it, so I did something that hit the rear delt in it’s place. I’d like to learn it though, if anyone can give me a brief description. Thanks!
A who a what a where? Where did that exercise come from? In Booming Biceps 2 D.A. has a prone dumbell raise that certainly hits there, try that.
Bend over so that your knees are slightly bent and your upper body is parallel to the floor (very similar to a bent-over barbell row). Then bring the dumbbells to a point where your arms are parallel to the floor without extending at the hips (which would be cheating). You’ll want to maintain about a 10 degree bend in your elbows (just like on a posterior fly machine). You can also do it seated on the end of a bench, face-down on incline bench, or face-down on a flat bench that is elevated (to increase ROM).
I have a good version of this excercise. As Eric explained, you begin by bending over, but I brace my forehead on an adjustable incline bench on a setting that allows for your body at parrallel (use a towel to pad your head),pick up the dumbells and lift them so that they are hanging down while you lift the elbows up pointing straight out to the sides. Focus your mind into the rear delts and do 3/4 movements, not allowing the weights to return straight down but partially so that the arms are slightly bent at the elbows. Use nice slow movements and spueeze at the top. God what a burn and your rear delts will explode.
I do Joe’s version, without putting my head on a bench. Also, I throw in a 1/3 rep at the top of every rep, with a .5 second pause at all stops. Your rear delts will thank you.