What Supplements Should You Go On

hye,ive been weight lifting for a while,never have i took any kind of fat burners,no energy booster, nothing.

currently i want to start on them now i have no problem with proteins,no explode ,creatine,but concerning fat burners always give me the shivers,due to what i hear they cause,elevated bp, increase heart beat and so on.

so for someone new to supplements is their any advice u reccomend ,am planing on buying lipo 6x or meltdown,what do u think??
Thank you

[quote]waelkd wrote:
hye,ive been weight lifting for a while,never have i took any kind of fat burners,no energy booster, nothing.

currently i want to start on them[/quote]

Why? What are you looking to use supplements to help you do? Burn fat? Build muscle?

Those types of side effects are usually due to not a person not being able to tolerate the stimulants that might be part of a fat burners formula. The easiest way around this it to test your tolerance - start with a smaller dose and gradually increase to the recommended dose.

Choosing a fat burner without knowing your training or nutrition is like planning a cross-country road trip before you own a car.

How, exactly, are you training?

How, exactly, are you eating?

The only fat-burner I’ve used for the past few years, whenever I’ve decided to use one, is HOT-ROX Extreme. It kills my appetite and I don’t notice any problems with energy (getting over-excited or revved up too much).

But really, you should sort out the more basic priorities like training, overall nutrition, and workout nutrition before looking into a fat burner.

am 6 foot 1 ,weight 214.

i usually train 3 days a week ,and cardio after each training.

i changed the tempo to everyday training 1 muscle per day, 5 sets per muscle ,12 reps.and i cardio 3 days per week.

my diet is divided into 7 meals per day ,calorie intake is between 2700 ~ 3200 cal per day

pre W.O

7:00 am
4 spoons of honey,handfull of alamonds


9 30 am
breakfast: 5 egg whites, 3 yellows,1 cup of skimmed milk,1 whole wheat bread.

13:00 pm

250 grams of fish/chicken 100 grams of boiled potato/white rice/brown rice depends on the availability.bowl of salad

15:30 pm

Protien shake
handfull of raisins


tuna can ,cup of yogurt,boiled macaroni

protien shake ,2 bananaa’s

a cup of yogurt
3 tbs of honey

Before investing in a fat burner I’d work on your diet. You can make significant improvements just by doing that. Once your diet is dialed in and you’re fat loss is starting to stall, then I’d pick up some HOT-ROX.

I got back down to about 10% BF without a fat burner, and I’m just now reincorporating it into my regimen so I can hit 7-8%. I personally don’t do it, but several people, including CT and Berardi, recommend using HOT-ROX for two weeks on and then going off, since it is a stimulant. Berardi recommends using a high concentration EGCG supplement when you cycle off HOT-ROX. But like I said, clean up your diet and training first. There are a lot of schools of thought about how to eat and train when trying to lose fat. I’d say the only universally important factor (especially when calories get really low) is to train heavy. As far as diet, look into carb cycling or a low-carb diet. There’s tons of info on this site about both.

tbo am not a fan of low carb diet,tried several times and i always end up with panic attacks,on this diet ive cut down significant amount of LARD.
and concerning ur advice on fat burners ill work with it.

btw here’s some b4 and after pics

wear this and train with gain

wear this and train with gain

wear this and train with gain

Good progress.

How do you handle caffeine in general? (like 2-6 cups of coffee). Caffeine is an ingredient in most fat burners. if caffeine is a problem for you, then you’re limited to trying caffeine free fat burners. if caffeine is fine, then you can try something like HOT-ROX (which has, amongs other things, yohimbine).

The only fat burner I’ve tried (and just recently) is ephedrine and caffeine. And the side effects are about what I’d expect from a whole lot of caffeine. Don’t feel wired, but get slight headache. But that’s just me.

I wasn’t saying you have to go low carb. If nothing else, improve on the timing and type of your carb intake. Also, up the protein and get some healthy fats in. Your diet can use a lot of improvement IMO.

[quote]EasyRhino wrote:
Good progress.

How do you handle caffeine in general? (like 2-6 cups of coffee). Caffeine is an ingredient in most fat burners. if caffeine is a problem for you, then you’re limited to trying caffeine free fat burners. if caffeine is fine, then you can try something like HOT-ROX (which has, amongs other things, yohimbine).

The only fat burner I’ve tried (and just recently) is ephedrine and caffeine. And the side effects are about what I’d expect from a whole lot of caffeine. Don’t feel wired, but get slight headache. But that’s just me.[/quote]

i use to drink about 3 cups of nescafe, but never tried coffee, but i think my i can handle caffeine pretty well.
and concerning HOT-ROX ,lipo ,melt down ,or another brand i really wana try it ,but what ive read about synephrine and yohmbine side effects makes me itch,cause i dont wana go on one of thoe fat burners and fuckup something in my body

[quote]BlakedaMan wrote:
I wasn’t saying you have to go low carb. If nothing else, improve on the timing and type of your carb intake. Also, up the protein and get some healthy fats in. Your diet can use a lot of improvement IMO. [/quote]

lately ive been uping my carbs in the morning ,moderate on lunch and very little in the afternoon and evening.

OP- I had the same problem with several fat burners out there however HOT-ROX never bothered me.

[quote]BlakedaMan wrote:
I wasn’t saying you have to go low carb. If nothing else, improve on the timing and type of your carb intake. Also, up the protein and get some healthy fats in. Your diet can use a lot of improvement IMO. [/quote]

am getting high carbs on the monrning moderate on lunch at very small amount in the after noon and eveninng.
concerning fats ,am getting it from fish oil ,olive oil and alamonds, and concerning protiens am getting 1 ~1.5 per pound.

emm,never considered HOT-ROX,maybe if its less potent then other fat burners,ill go with it.

btw wasnt HOT-ROX called of the shelves due to some fatalities or was it hydroxycut???

Nescafe is instant coffee. It counts. So pounding three cups of that leaves you feeling good, then caffeine is probably okay.

A whole family of fat burners containing ephedra got recalled. (ephedra is a natural compound which contains ephedrine and other misc stuff). Ephedra isn’t sold any more in anything any more.

But if you’re not comfortable with the idea of fat burners, then don’t take em. Just eat less. Problem solved.

[quote]waelkd wrote:
emm,never considered HOT-ROX,maybe if its less potent then other fat burners,ill go with it.

btw wasnt HOT-ROX called of the shelves due to some fatalities or was it hydroxycut???[/quote]

That was Hydroxycut. HOT-ROX is still available.

Concerning the different effects of fat-burners:
I tried HOT-ROX last year (upon moving to college) and I feel like it had a very negative effect on my mood and attitude. But, several stressful things were in my life at that point. Now that I’m not in those situations, I think I may try it again and see if I react differently.

The only other one I tried was by Muscle Asylum. It didn’t seem to do much for me, so I just started using it as a caffeine pill.

[quote]waelkd wrote:

[quote]BlakedaMan wrote:
I wasn’t saying you have to go low carb. If nothing else, improve on the timing and type of your carb intake. Also, up the protein and get some healthy fats in. Your diet can use a lot of improvement IMO. [/quote]

am getting high carbs on the monrning moderate on lunch at very small amount in the after noon and eveninng[/quote]

You’ve made decent fat loss progress so far, but you could still stand to build som emuscle so you end up lean and not just soft. You might want to look into carb cycling. On days you have less training, you take in less carbs. On the really hard training days (like when you do legs, for example), you can have more carbs in the morning.

This article explains a basic way to set up a carb cycling plan:

You maintain most of the benefits of a lower carb diet, with most of the advantages of a higher carb diet.

Also, your training could really be fine-tuned. 5x12 isn’t a great way to build or maintain strength while dropping fat.

It’s not at all that HOT-ROX is less potent. It’s just a unique and more effective all-around formula. The maximum dose is four a day, so you can definitely start with just one in the morning to see how you feel on it.

Earlier this year, Hydroxycut was pulled off shelves after a few dozen reports of serious liver damage and at least one death.

[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:

This article explains a basic way to set up a carb cycling plan:


emm, i used to go with 6 days lc and on the 7th i ate everything,guess thats why my experience with lcd was bad.
btw i was chking ,

High day

Carbs: 2-3 grams per pound of body weight
Protein: 1-1.25 grams per pound of body weight
Fat: as little as possible

Low and moderate days

Carbs: 0.5-1.5 grams per pound of body weight
Protein: 1.25-1.5 grams per pound of body weight
Fat: 0.15-0.35 grams per pound of body weight

how accurate is it, cause i was doing a calorie count on high days ,ill have to be eating between 3400 ~3600 cals ,and on low days 2772 cals?

[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
Also, your training could really be fine-tuned. 5x12 isn’t a great way to build or maintain strength while dropping fat.

emm,so i should lower my reps and sets, and go maximum on weights rite?

[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
It’s not at all that HOT-ROX is less potent. It’s just a unique and more effective all-around formula. The maximum dose is four a day, so you can definitely start with just one in the morning to see how you feel on it.
man u cant imagine the more i read on fat burners the less interested i am,i mean i really wana use them,but with all the reviews i dunno.

yesterday i bought green tea pills,i think i prefer working with something abit meh and not risking anything.
and one more question ,i heard about l-carnatine and cla and how they help metabolize fat ,but then i read that the body ONLY USES the amount THE BODY SECRETES and any extra amount is blocked.is their any truth in that?
anyways thank you so much guys for ur info and help ,really appreciate it.

[quote]waelkd wrote:
am 6 foot 1 ,weight 214.

i usually train 3 days a week ,and cardio after each training.

i changed the tempo to everyday training 1 muscle per day, 5 sets per muscle ,12 reps.and i cardio 3 days per week.

my diet is divided into 7 meals per day ,calorie intake is between 2700 ~ 3200 cal per day

pre W.O

7:00 am
4 spoons of honey,handfull of alamonds


9 30 am
breakfast: 5 egg whites, 3 yellows,1 cup of skimmed milk,1 whole wheat bread.

13:00 pm

250 grams of fish/chicken 100 grams of boiled potato/white rice/brown rice depends on the availability.bowl of salad

15:30 pm

Protien shake
handfull of raisins


tuna can ,cup of yogurt,boiled macaroni

protien shake ,2 bananaa’s

a cup of yogurt
3 tbs of honey


  1. Stop feeding yourself tablespoons of honey, dude come on now…
  2. 2 banana’s, more honey, and yogurt before you go to bed? Make those meals protein and healthy fats. Something like cottage cheese and natural peanut butter or some meat.
  3. Egg whites blow, eat all the yolks. You are losing a ton of protein.

I don’t mean to be a dick, but while you have obviously put some time into keeping track of your diet and making a plan, this diet will not be taking you anywhere you want to be.