I am about to start taking supplements to aid in my diet / lifting routine. Being a complete beginner I need some advice. What are the best supplements to take for the main goal of fat loss? This is what im aiming at right now. I would like a list of sorts. Including anything like fish oil or multivitamins or anything.
Also unfortunately money is a consideration for myself being a student. Reading alot of article’s saying “cheap is crap and what not”. This is fair enough but I am looking to see if there is any sort cheaper alternative. If there isnt, what should I spend my limited money on?
I agree with Rusty, eat right, and exercise right, then when progress stalls (months from now) you consider some help. But, diet and training should be in order for a long time first.
[quote]Duffers386 wrote:
I am about to start taking supplements to aid in my diet / lifting routine. Being a complete beginner I need some advice. What are the best supplements to take for the main goal of fat loss? This is what im aiming at right now. I would like a list of sorts. Including anything like fish oil or multivitamins or anything.
Also unfortunately money is a consideration for myself being a student. Reading alot of article’s saying “cheap is crap and what not”. This is fair enough but I am looking to see if there is any sort cheaper alternative. If there isnt, what should I spend my limited money on?
btw, these forums are great.[/quote]
If your diet is dialed then HOT-ROX Extreme is what you want.
Yes, clean diet combined with a good workout program are obviously first and foremost. Then supps like Flameout and REZ-V are great for good health and also help to promote fat loss. Finally HOT-ROX Extreme is great for a fat loss cycle provided the foundation is already set ( again diet and exercise).
[quote]Dylanj wrote:
omega 3-6-9 complex
green tea complex
in that order
natural easy ways to boost metabolism[/quote]
were you not reading anything above your post? The OP took some good advice and agreed not to jump into supps so fast, and you are giving him a 5 supp stack, that is, at best, ‘eh.’
No one needs to supplement their Omega 6 and 9 fatty acid intake. We are already unbalanced in this respect (we need more 3, and less 6. i dont even know why you would supplement your 9’s). Also, we just suggested to the OP (and he agreed that we may be right) that he should wait to take any supplements and get his diet and training in good order first, so you suggest supplements.
OP, yes a Fish Oil (preferably Salmon Oil, or Flameout) and a multi vitamin would be fine.
Post your diet for the past few days and lets see where you are at, and we can give some helpful suggestions.