Dude, on your very first topic you posted on this site back in 2012 you got some great perspective regarding bodyfat percentage that you have continued to ignore for 9 years
Welcome to T-Nation brother,
Most around here really don’t care to get specific with “What is my Body fat percentage” type questions because, well… It really doesn’t matter.
What would you change if I said 20%? Would would you change if I said 4%? 10%?
The NUMBER is not what matters, its about the level of fat on your body in the mirror, and for you if its affecting your BB Playing. If you are happy with it, keep lifting, eating, and getting bigger. If you aren’t, focus efforts to get rid of it.
So, are you happy with your current level of leanness? (I hope so, you are in good shape and young)… If so, focus on SMASHING the weights, getting STRONG AS SHIT, and eating more good food.
Again, welcome aboard, we are glad to have you here.
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