17 years old 6’3" 215lbs, lifts are 275 bench 405 squat and 440 deadlift. What program is going to give me max gains?
In the words of Jim Wendler the one you believe in.
Look at the Cube Method by Brandon Lilly. I’ve heard great things about it and I think that it’s a pretty smart program that he made.
Then see which one you tend to like the best.
You may end up morphing together a few bits and pieces from programs and philosophies.
In other words, try different things to see what works best for you.
Take a little bit from each one and use what works and discard the rest.
Choose one and stick with it for some time. If you are making progress continue doing it, if not start something else.
[quote]tredaway wrote:
In the words of Jim Wendler the one you believe in.[/quote]
This, because the program you buy into you will stick with and be consistent on.