What needs improvement to have a good shot at winning a natural bodybuilding competition?

I definitely have issues controlling my scapula. One side even flares more than the other. I’m guessing I’ll need a posing coach. Much easier if someone is giving me direct cues on what to do. Yes, I’ll keep working on my back. So you think for my upper body that my front side is stronger than by back side?

Thank you for telling me your honest opinion. I also think my quads are quite far ahead of my hams. I thought I had decent adductors though as you were saying they are lagging the most. Aren’t my hams worse off than my adductors? I’ve already been doing high and wide on the leg press so thanks for confirming that for me. Also recently been doing more RDLs and hinge movements. I’ll keep going on it.

Thank you bro, I appreciate it! I just got done with two years of focusing on quads and calves. I’ll try to find some old photos from a few years ago, but my quads have grown the most. Still need to catch up to my upper body tho. My calves have only grown an inch maybe and I hit them about 10-12 sets a week :frowning:

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That’s way too much in my experience. Try holding them in the bottom position for 3 to 5 seconds on a leg press type calf press. 2 to 3 sets of 4 to every 2 to 3 days. Calfs respond to this for some reason. Unilaterally is even better.

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Hams - Seated leg curls, 45’s with free weights seem to be the most optimal

I’ve been doing 4-6 sets of 12-20 reps on the leg press for calves twice a week. How many reps are you doing each set? I do a deep stretch and hold for a second or two. I’ll try holding the stretch even longer then. I follow the RP style training and its worked well for me, however I don’t deload as often as Dr. Mike says.

Seated leg curl is my go to. However, I need to do more rdl and stiff leg hip hinge movements. I always get major doms from those.

I think the best thing for you to do is sign up for the show your targeting and give yourself 12-14 weeks to prep.
Your first show is gonna be more of a learning experience. It will teach you what works and what does not work for you.


You could try a leg press that I got from Jeff King that almost totally removes the glute involvement in the movement. I have done it after my normal leg press since I started doing them in the 1980’s.

You need to place your feet on the plate where your toes are pointed 180 degrees apart and your knees align to go in the direction your toes are pointed. As you lower the weight your groin will be getting stretched similar to attempting to do a split. Only your thigh muscles will be involved to bring your thighs together as you press the weight. It is critical to stretch before the exercise and to use very light weight until you grow feel comfortable with the severe stretch and tension. You can do sets of 10 reps.

Go the opposite direction…far less volume and reps. I’d wager your stimulus:fatigue ratio is way off. Clafs don’t need the high rep crap, in fact, no body part does.

If you need a “deload” you’re training too much and with too much volume. Find a sustainable load and you don’t need to back off ever.

DOMS =/= growth though. Soreness is only an indicator you likely have a level of damage, respectively. RDL is for glutes, stiff leg is hams…I think the 45 is just more optimal than even stiff leg.

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As I said before your pics show that you are glute dominate. I knew a competitor who was a close friend. He had very underdeveloped glutes and very hamstring dominate. He never developed much of any glutes. I, on the other hand, was somewhat glute dominate, but was able to build some reasonable hamstrings.

I tried many different exercises, but there is one that I believe provided a significant benefit. For some reason that I cannot recall, we started doing a single dumbbell held between the bottom of our shoes, with our knees over the end of a flat bench. obviously, the most tension is in the stretched position, but what made this exercise the most unique, is that the effort of pushing your feet together to avoid the dumbbell from falling to the floor involved my inner thighs. I got pretty strong doing this (the 150lb dumbbell for 8 reps.) I felt that I added some fullness to my hamstrings.

Do you attend a gym where there are bodybuilder competitors working out there? One of those guys could be a big help.

After reviewing your pics in your first post, I’d like you to retake those front poses with your feet and knees closer together. Maybe that wide stance is misrepresenting the development of your thighs from the front. Always consider that posing should be done to best display your physique, showing off your strong points and masking your weak points

To accentuate the long lines in your thighs, try to twist the balls of your feet out, but not allowing them to actually move. This should cause the long lines to show.

I’ve never heard of these before, but I’ll try them. Idk if I can even get to 180 degrees, but I’ll get as far as I can. I’ve done dumb hamstring curls before, but never stuck with them. I’ll try them out again. Thanks for those tips!

Going to go hit a workout right now so I’ll take some photos after and try with my feet closer.

Yea I don’t deload often unless my hip pain becomes unbearable. I do a lot of volume, but I could do more if I had more time. Super involved with my family, kids, and business so like most of you time is limited.

Lats are a little more spread on this pic, but when I hit a front double they don’t pop out like this. Not sure why.

Can you specify the exact location of the hip? Is it just on one side?

Yes its just on the right side. Glute/lower back pain. I have a hip shift to the right side when I squat that becomes more prevalent the heavier I go and closer to failure that I push it. I have an online business so I’m always sitting on the computer, but I recently got a standing desk. I think that has helped some along with some mobility rehab type exercises.