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Natty bodybuilder, pics from my last show.

6’2 180 @ contest

I know I have to work on my legs…both size and definition, have had on and off knee issues the last few years & has been hard to be consistent. That being said, anything else I need to work on? I have another show in 7 weeks, going to do a 12-16 week bulk afterwards assuming my legs are good to go.

Was going to post in another thread, but a judge at my last contest told me to cut out squats/deads/compound leg lifts 4-6 weeks out and only do iso lifts for legs. Any truth to that?





Forgot to mention I need help with posing as well, have a posing coach for the next comp





Your arms and chest overshadow your upper body. Some back thickness would be great as well as what you metioned about bringing up your legs. As far as the isolated lifts close to a show, I think its all trial and error. Some people respond better to that and some don’t. Maybe what he was thinking is focus more on volume and not heavy weight close to a show?

Good job though, keep working hard.

Some Delt work would be good too, Lateral, Anterior…

I’d rate your happiness level at a 10 in these photos.

On a serious note, the above is correct. Your arms and chest overshadow everything else on the upper body. More width and thickness to your back would greatly improve your physique, which is damn impressive I might add, considering you are 6’2 (It’s hard for you talls to get big and look it sometimes).

As you pointed out, leg mass would as well add a lot to your look. Hope the knee doesn’t hold you back too much.

Besides your legs. Your posing needs the most work. Its horrendous lol.

And obviously you need at least 30lbs of muscle before you begin to look filled out.

The smile on his face makes up for his horrendous posing! :smiley: Keep it up op. You look like your having fun.

[quote]FrozenNinja wrote:
Your arms and chest overshadow your upper body. Some back thickness would be great as well as what you metioned about bringing up your legs. As far as the isolated lifts close to a show, I think its all trial and error. Some people respond better to that and some don’t. Maybe what he was thinking is focus more on volume and not heavy weight close to a show?[/quote]

Thanks for the shoulder comment, I’ve never thought about my delts needing to improve. I’ll definitely address that as a lagging bodypart.

Any suggestions for back thickness as far as exercises?

Heavy rack pulls, deadlifts, and t-bar rows. All of them.

I’m not sure if i’m content with your lat width. Idk if that’s from you or the photos though.

How did you end up doing?

[quote]shicks wrote:
I’m not sure if i’m content with your lat width. Idk if that’s from you or the photos though.

How did you end up doing?[/quote]

Got 2nd place.

I can’t find my lat spread, I remember it being average at best. Is there anything you’d reccommend for improving that? Wide pulldowns?

Pullups, overhand grip. Lots of them. You might consider bulking for about a year and skipping shows entirely.