What Makes a TMUSCLE-Worthy Trainee?

[quote]clockworkchad wrote:
i think to be tmuscle worth you have to have a reasonable goal in mind, have a workout routine that will help you research it, and determination to go to the gym instead of happy hour. if your goal is to gain muscle, your are going to have to force food in your face, if its to lose weight you are going to have to be able to eat carrot sticks instead of nachos and watch you cals.

as long as you have a decent routine and a strong work ethic you are tmuscle worthy. if you are doing wrist curls, curling in the squat rack (under 135, if you are curling plates you can do it wherever you want) and arent wrapping wrist straps on the goddamn lat pulldown machine and doing 8 different ab workouts a day, you are tmuscle worthy. [/quote]

I work out at home 3x/w lifting, 2x/w weight circuit training, don’t drink, and am working on my strength in squat, deadlift, and bench, in that priority order. I can’t curl 135. Don’t do pulldowns. Do pullups. No straps. Do other compound lifts (e.g., dips). For wrists I do CoC #1, 2" wrist roller, and Farmer’s walk with the heaviest DB I can make (60lb). Do weighted crunches, side bends, and leg raises once a week.