Without wraps low bar is around 70-72%.
asooneyeonig…Great Avatar!
I’m at 79% though I havent maxed out on squats in about 6 months and I maxed out on deads about 2 weeks ago
100%, mine have always been near equal.
Limb proportions aside, I’m betting that the lower someone’s weight is the more likely you’re going to have a larger difference between the two.
67% 320lb Squat, 475 Dead
76%, 380lb squat and a 500lb deadlift as of last week, I’m a bitch when it comes to squatting heavy though. I weigh somewheres in the 180s.
78% when going off meet numbers.
84% when going off gym numbers. (Haven’t max pulled in 9 months however)
87.2% 410 squat and 470 deadlift.
Looking at 430/500 come March 8th
Squat is about 70% of deadlift max. Deadlift - 500lb. Barbell Squat - 352lb.
My squat has always lagged behind my deadlift. I can squat 300lb for 20 reps, but as I get heavier my body just hates the weight bearing down on me. I love the squat but my long arms make me a far better deadlifter. Still, I’m not taking that as an excuse and I will get that 400lb squat one day!
[quote]samking104 wrote:
Squat is about 70% of deadlift max. Deadlift - 500lb. Barbell Squat - 352lb.
My squat has always lagged behind my deadlift. I can squat 300lb for 20 reps, but as I get heavier my body just hates the weight bearing down on me. I love the squat but my long arms make me a far better deadlifter. Still, I’m not taking that as an excuse and I will get that 400lb squat one day![/quote]
Are you staying tight enough under the bar?
wrapped squat 86%
unwrapped 77%
I think it just depends on if i’m actually training my squat. lately i’ve been half assing all of my squat work because i have a push pull coming up.
IPF raw meet numbers: 73.86%. If my next meet goes as planned it’ll be 78.26%
Deadlift is my best move and squat my worst.
525 Squat
420 DL (rough estimate since I normally don’t deadlift) I usually just do power clean and clean pull
All time best which may not have been near each other was 73%. Currently I have no idea what my maxes are in either but probably still close.
83% Low Bar
4 Years training them properly.
I think training age would also provide a lot of insight. Maybe more experienced lifter tend to have a higher percentage?
Raw - no belt, wraps, etc. on either in the gym, I squat fairly high bar below parallel at moderate stance width, conventional DL, 42 years old with about 3-4 years of “serious” lifting experience.
Unwrapped: 84%
Wrapped: 100%