what happens to carbs on a ketogenic diet?

Guys, I have a simple nutrition question that I need help on.
If I eat 80 grams of carbs per day, since I’m always under 100 grams, does EVERY SINGLE carb calorie NOT get turned into fat because the liver is empty? Does the GI or II matter in this case? Thank you, Erica

Carb foods have been known to be the primary source of energy. I have always believed that carbs are “protein sparring”. Anywhoos - I don’t think the reason every single gram of carbs gets turned into fat due to a “empty liver” but more due to your energy expenditure.

The Glycemic Index is basically providing you a ranking of foods on their immediate effect on blood glucose (right, guys?). Low GI foods, will breakdown slowly and release glucose gradually into the bloodstream. So, if you want sustained energy,the choice would be low GI foods. If you need immediate restoral of energy (like, after a workout) eat a high GI food.

Hey, Erica: curious as to how it's been?

IMHO…and from what i’ve read (BodyOpus and Kyle McDonal’s Book)…no, those carbs will not get turned to fat. It seems that carbs actually very rarely get turned to fat in humans, but the insulin release they cause can cause dietary fat to be stored as body fat more easily. THis is at least my very humble understanding of it, lets hear from some others to get thier opinion.

Patricia–I’m probably a different “Erica.” We’ve never exchanged words on the forum (but I read your posts all the time.) Farm Boy–What you write would seem to imply that on a low-fat diet, most of the calories turning into fat is the dietary fat content, what little of it there is. Erica

Ooops, sorry Erica. But I would like to know why you are asking this question? What concerns do you have? And 80 grams of carbs a day is not a whole lotta carbs. So if you’re concernced about “overdoing” it via carb intake, I wouldn’t worry about it.

I dumb ass just thought of somehting:… we’re all conscious of getting in “X” grams of protein per # of bodyweight. wouldn’t it be true for carbs ??.. i’m assuming erica is your typical BB woman on this forum, with a respectable body weight, maybe 110-140 depending on height. i don’t know… but if 80 grams/day of carbs is good for her (for ketosis), then why would 80 grams for me, at 220-230 lbs be just as good ???.. it seems that we’ve made this “under 100g. a day of carbs to have a ketogenic diet” seems too cookie-cutter for everyone. i wonder if we could all come to a consensus of g/lb of carbs a day for a keto diet.

I’m not particularly concerned with my carb intake (which is around 150 grams per day because I don’t crave any more). I’m trying to understand the physiology involved as the dieter decreases carbs. For example, I wonder if you’re under 100 grams, should the “massive eating” rules even apply, as long as the GI isn’t high? The carb content of the meal might go directly to glycogen while the body burns the fat content.

In regards to your question:
For fat synthesis of measurable proportions to occur, you have to consume more energy then you expend on a daily (day-to-day) basis, irregardless of carbs. There is always a flux of fat synthesis/breakdown in the body when one eats at maintenance.
In your case, if you are eating less than 80g carbs per day, you are right, your liver and your muslces are likely to be empty, so your body will preferentially partition the carbs there in the first place…but on a physiological level, at least 55% of all carbohydrate ingestion is absorbed by the liver no matter what

Take a look at the keto support thread in the archives…may help you a bit
I’m out