What Do You Guys Think?

Awesome physique!!

Very impressive…

Very aesthetic flowing physique. Great job!


[quote]Anabolic_Mike wrote:
i give you a 4 because ur not natural[/quote]

In the famous words of someone you’re sure to receive an internet spanking from…


Very nice physique, keep up the good work!

As everyone has said, great physique, keep it up

I’m giving you a ten, outstanding job. What does your diet look like?



Lucky asshole lol j/p but def. great physique def. gave you a nine

What are your current lifts btw?

[quote]curqleez wrote:
one more[/quote]

That first most muscular above this post, i beleive does not display your physique as well as a crab post would, just my opinion. If a posing coach told you otherwise then listen to him obviously not me.

i didnt notice your upper chest as a weakness as much as i notice how much thicker the other competitors back is compared to your in the very first photo. So i would prioritze overal width and extra thickness. Detail is spot on though.

great job on the conditioning and you have a great physique, but there always something. that is the way of bodybuilding…

good job.

Great work on coming back again with new pictures. Any major weak points in your physique are really not noticeable by me and your dedication motivates to lift harder every day. 10 from me

Why would u want to be that big and unhealthy. Steroids are just one of the things wrong with this gay little country. I give u a 1 for cheating, sir. Good day.

[quote]WhiteTiger711 wrote:
Why would u want to be that big and unhealthy. Steroids are just one of the things wrong with this gay little country. I give u a 1 for cheating, sir. Good day.[/quote]

this has gotta be a joke

op great physique

[quote]WhiteTiger711 wrote:
Why would u want to be that big and unhealthy. Steroids are just one of the things wrong with this gay little country. I give u a 1 for cheating, sir. Good day.[/quote]

You really don’t have a clue do you??

[quote]WhiteTiger711 wrote:
Why would u want to be that big and unhealthy. Steroids are just one of the things wrong with this gay little country. I give u a 1 for cheating, sir. Good day.[/quote]

Go away troll

Outstanding physique, very motivational!

[quote]WhiteTiger711 wrote:
Why would u want to be that big and unhealthy. Steroids are just one of the things wrong with this gay little country. I give u a 1 for cheating, sir. Good day.[/quote]

Opinions are just one of the things wrong with this gay little douchebag.

Nothing to say about the physique. 10.

[quote]curqleez wrote:
Thank you much guys. I’ve just began my offseason training. My goal is 15lbs of muscle by next nov.[/quote]

Never happen…Unless you rip someone else off for gear…

Wow…great job. Very Impressive physique and something I’d personally love to achieve even though I don’t know if I ever will.

[quote]curqleez wrote:
Thanks guys. I do brush it off but at the same time I take it as a compliment. I train balls-to-the-wall, blood and guts, I never miss a meal and been training since 1993. I know people (lots) that take stuff and never make progress and think they got some fake stuff.[/quote]

Bull…You are one of the laziest people I have ever trained…Take your shi# elsewhere