I was doing Power Cleans last night and was able to work up to 225.
It’s rare that I ever see anyone doing cleans in the gym, so I was wondering if my lift was good, average, or weak shit.
Really the only other time I saw someone doing cleans, the guy was doing 315. Granted he was heavier than me (I’m 185) but by those standards I feel pretty weak.
The most i have been able to do is 250 struggling but i also got a nice messed up back due to a drunk ass driver,but no excuses though.tough times don’t last, tough people do!
[quote]CrewPierce wrote:
Sooo no one here does power cleans huh? It would seem that the lack of it at my local gym is a good indication of how many people actually do them.
Maybe those 7 million hardcore lifters that disappeared did cleans…[/quote]
Personally, I have never received proper instruction and don’t feel comfortable doing them. I absolutely suck balls at getting a proper catch. Furthermore, I feel that the olympic lifts are very overated for someone not looking to compete in olympic lifting. There are other equally good ways to build explosiveness that don’t require such a high degree of technical skill to receive maximum benefit.
[quote]CrewPierce wrote:
Sooo no one here does power cleans huh? It would seem that the lack of it at my local gym is a good indication of how many people actually do them.
Maybe those 7 million hardcore lifters that disappeared did cleans…[/quote]
Well… I don’t think doing power cleans makes a person hard core. I rarely do them anymore, as at my gym, people have no problem walking within 3 millimeters of me when doing them, giving me a panic attack and I imagined hitting them and getting sued.
Also, many aren’t replying because these types of posts are the virtual version of people staring at you when you lift to see if they out lift you. I’ve always felt that was kind of creepy; though, admittedly, I’ve done it before myself.
I never meant to imply that you have to do Olympic lifts to be hardcore, I was just frustrated, lol my comment seemed to have worked though!
CLaw: I wasn’t trying to see if I could out lift anyone! Haha I can’t out lift many people on this site so trust me I never meant for it to come across as that. I just wanted to get a bit of a bench mark that was all.
I like doing power cleans because they seem to help my deadlift. You get the speed training from the start of the lift and builds up your upper back on the shrug/catch.
Not too mention the more or less front squat associated with the lift, although I do not go all the way down.
[quote]Mike Sammon wrote:
Power Clean: 309 @ 220. Apparently the elite strength standard for my bodyweight according to exrx.net is 353. I’ve got some work to do lol![/quote]
Thank you for the website!! I will use that in the future as my bench mark instead of posting a question such as this.
225@185 is pretty good…try doing them with a complete pause from the rack, (bar placed right below the knee). Focus on getting under the bar rather than “pulling” the bar and you’ll add 50#s to your clean in no time. Any of the books/videos from milo are great to teach yourself!
I rarely do them anymore, as at my gym, people have no problem walking within 3 millimeters of me when doing them, giving me a panic attack and I imagined hitting them and getting sued.
Jeezus, tell me about it. What the fuck is wrong with people. This constantly happens to me and it’s scary shit.
OP, I don’t know what my best clean is but so far my best clean/jerk is 205.
I did power clean with 87kg (at 97kg), if it’s a power clean when you don’t “drop” under the barbell, using just a minor leg drive… overhead pushed it after that too… but that counts, right?
[quote]CrewPierce wrote:
I like doing power cleans because they seem to help my deadlift. You get the speed training from the start of the lift and builds up your upper back on the shrug/catch.
Then you’re misusing them!
A fast pull from the floor like in a speed deadlift throws off your form considerably on the powerclean. A pull for a powerclean throws off your deadlift form.
The two movements have two different paths, startingpositions and dynamic.
[quote]Joseph93 wrote:
225@185 is pretty good…try doing them with a complete pause from the rack, (bar placed right below the knee). Focus on getting under the bar rather than “pulling” the bar and you’ll add 50#s to your clean in no time. Any of the books/videos from milo are great to teach yourself![/quote]
Hey thanks for the advice! You are correct I do need to think about getting under the bar more, my drop and catch is pretty lacking!
To the guys talking about the gym crowding: I about smacked some dumbass doing lunges with 25lb DB’s when I was doing the cleans. The jackass was all of 2ft right behind me, haha I think he pissed himself when he realzed the bar was coming up at his chin. I guess he thought I was deadlift?
Well, I’ll speak in terms of what I’m capable of right now. You may find it interesting/helpful. Right before I began a (modified) Chad Waterbury program I power cleaned 152.5 kg. for a single. Did some sets for reps with 130 kg. I started a high frequency program about 5 weeks ago and am doing the 10 sets of 3 reps with 60 seconds rest approach.
Gotta tell you it’s killing me. Hardest I’ve ever worked in the gym. Backing off on the weights was tough mentally. But, you just can’t handle really heavy weight for this kind of volume. I soon realized that my goals are different right now (get stronger, leaner, better conditioned overall - hence the high frequency program).
When actively competing in O-lifting it’s singles, doubles, some triples all the time. Lots of rest, etc.
Anyway, last night I did power cleans from blocks (bar height right about the knee). I took 120 kg. and performed 10 sets of 3 reps, 60 seconds between reps. I was drenched.
I then moved to incline dumbbell presses paired with chest supported dumbbell rows (both with 100 lbs. dumbbells) for 3 sets of 10, 60 seconds between pairs.
Then paired front squats (125 kg.) and weighted chins (bodyweight 211 plus 15 kg. disc) for 4 sets of 6 reps, 60 seconds between pairs.
Just relaying it because I’ve noticed pretty substantial strength and conditioning gains in just 5 weeks. My poundages have gone up consistently and the workouts have gotten easier (yet still BRUTAL). Try working with lighter weights in a 5 x 5 or 8 x 3 program. You’ll see your poundages increase. In any event, 225 at your size is good. If I saw someone do that in the gym I’d approach them about trying O-lifting.
[quote]beebuddy wrote:
Jeezus, tell me about it. What the fuck is wrong with people. This constantly happens to me and it’s scary shit.
I even started doing them inside the power rack (though my arms are too long so I couldn’t do the jerk). There is a weight tree near the power rack. So people again would walk right next to a flying fucking bar to grab a weight.
I honestly don’t get it. Forget about respecting other lifters and waiting before grabbing a weight. It’s a basic safety issue. I would not walk close to someone doing an explosive lifting movement for my own safety’s sake.
[quote]eisenaffe wrote:
CrewPierce wrote:
I like doing power cleans because they seem to help my deadlift. You get the speed training from the start of the lift and builds up your upper back on the shrug/catch.
Then you’re missusing them!
A fast pull from the floor like in a speed deadlift throws off your form considerably on the powerclean. A pull for a powerclean throws off your deadlift form.
The two movements have two diferent paths, startingpositions and dynamic.
While I agree that they have different starting positions, namely how far away the bar is from your shins, I would disagree with the rest. First I think you can do both and still keep your form for each independent of one another. Secondly, the path of the bar up until your thighs is very similar in both lifts. My weak point in my deadlift if 1/2 way up my shins, so the difference between the 2 lifts after that point doesn’t concern me.
Being a tall guy I like to get as much leg/hip strength as I can in the deadlift(as I don’t get much at all with my long legs and arms) and I feel that the cleans help in that.