Some AAS are associated with a sense of well being like test and DBol, others the opposite in some cases like Tren. Those of you with a lot of cycle experience, which AAS gave you that feeling?
Anavar gave me a more mild, less amped up sense of well being. Whereas Dbol gave me an animalistic, savage sense of awesomeness.
I haven’t used it, but anecdotally, HGH would be up there.
What was your dbol dose?
Tren made me feel like a teenaged God. And and asshole if you ask my wife!
I have heard you say you really like the way mast makes you feel. I haven’t tried it, so I can’t speak to it.
I have tried test. Good feeling on test. I have tried anavar, and feel about the same as when just on test, but maybe a lower libido (arguable if that is good or bad).
Its pretty much part of my cruise these days.
I feel good on Tren too, I think it’s more when you go to crazy doses you can’t handle you start to feel like shit. I can honestly handle Tren better than dbol
I dont know if was the source or what but dbol made me feel like shit and gave me some mild gyno.
Actually, I’m also running 50 mg var/day and I’m loving the test/mast/var combo. Its like boner magic for this old man
Dbol past 30 mg a day makes me super snappy and a dickhead, and I honestly don’t think it’s an estrogen issue
I definitely need to try Masteron for my cruise, what dose do you run it at?
Mine is 100mg/mL. That’s pretty much the standard from what I’ve seen. Its a little pricey compared to test so I’m only pinning 0.5 mL twice a week. I load the test and mast in the same syringe
30mg dbol
Pretty much my ‘best condition’ stack. I looked the best, leanest and driest. Although var did bring my libido down, maybe if i used proviron in there aswell it would have been better.
This has not happened. Quite the opposite.
I think it is individual. It will lower SHBG in most, which will cause increase in free T (if on exogenous test) which will lead to an increase in E2. Lots of stuff going on that could cause both in increase in libido, or a decrease in libido. Or perhaps something about the drug itself has an impact on people (outside of hormonal changes in FT, SHBG and E2).
I’m considering a test/mast/EQ combo, should be awesome for my mma training aswell as keeping a lean conditioned look
@studhammer how old are you brother?
Dbol is king of mood gains. Anavar makes me less patient. Epistane does nothing. Superdrol makes me want to slaughter an African village in order to secure a steady TUDCA supply.
Lol superdrol I actually have an old bottle of that in my medicine cabinet. The pro hormone right lol