Mo: ME benchpress
We: ME squat/deadlift
Fr: DE benchpress
Su: DE squat/deadlift
If yes, please feel free to explain amply.
No. Your set-up looks fine. ME day is to be 72 hours after DE day, so you’ve got it right. If I remember correctly, Louie Simmons wrote that he decided on the basic schedule because it worked best with Saturday meets.
[quote]eisenaffe wrote:
As I plan to start a WS routine from mid Octobre, I need some advice in advance.
The routine described in articles like “Periodization Bible” among others here on the site, sugests to do:
Mo: ME squat/deadlift
We: ME benchpress
Fr: DE squat/deadlift
Su: DE benchpress
Would it be contraindicated to switch it like so?
Mo: ME benchpress
We: ME squat/deadlift
Fr: DE benchpress
Su: DE squat/deadlift
If yes, please feel free to explain amply.
Thats fine to do… in fact, at Westside in Columbus they start the week on Sunday with ME Bench… theres a lot of controversy as to whether you should allow 72 hours of rest between ME days but the guys at Westside do ME Bench Sunday and ME Legs and DL Monday (from what Ive heard). This being said, they have also trained for years and their CNS can handle it. This is the kind of lifting that I do but more in the 3-6 rep range on ME days to gain a little size and add strength also. You may find your CNS will have trouble on ME bench days if you follow them right after DE Leg and DL days… eventhough its a DE day, legs are a very CNS taxing exercise… good luck bro…
and there are a million different ways to set up the week. just make sure it is set up in a way you can commit the time and effort need on that certain day.
good luck.
[quote]eisenaffe wrote:
As I plan to start a WS routine from mid Octobre, I need some advice in advance.
The routine described in articles like “Periodization Bible” among others here on the site, sugests to do:
Mo: ME squat/deadlift
We: ME benchpress
Fr: DE squat/deadlift
Su: DE benchpress
Would it be contraindicated to switch it like so?
Mo: ME benchpress
We: ME squat/deadlift
Fr: DE benchpress
Su: DE squat/deadlift