I want to start doing westside after I finish ABBHII, I really love Chad’s programs, I think they are fantastic. But I want to focus now more on strength than hypertrophy, because I’m thinking that if I can lift heavier weights, I can maximize the effects of hypertrophy. Anywho… I have a few questions though. I’ve never really done a strength training method before, so I don’t know how I would achieve some of the things Defranco talks about in his article.
For example, for max effort bench, it says to “Work up to a max set of 3-5 reps”. Now, how exactly do I go about doing this. I’m relatively weak since I am a beginner, so I max out around 180. So, in my case, how would I work up to a max set of 3-5 reps?
As for the supplemental lifts, do I just work a weight that I can safely do for the given amount of reps?
On repitition lift day, it says to “Work up to 3 sets of max reps”. Does that mean train to failure? I hope not.
Lastly, I dont understand what this means: “I recommend rotating your max-effort exercise every two to three weeks to prevent your nervous system from getting burned out. Whether you shoot for a 3-rep max or a 5-rep max, the goal is to break your previous record every week!”
If he wants me to cycle the max effort excercise every two to three weeks, then what do I do on week 2’s max effort bench day?
Sorry for all the newbie questions, but hey, I can’t help it. I have to find out somehow.
Thanks guys, don’t go easy on me,