Was wanting some good max day exercises and assistance work reccomendations for this by experienced westsiders. Damn program works well huh…
How do u like to set up tri work on speed and max day after benching is done, any particular method seem to work better??
Heard to hit tris heavy after speed work and lighter after the max work.
All input greatly appreciated!
ME exercises need to be chosen to target your weaknesses. So givinf you a actual set of exercises isn’t really possible without seeing or knowing your weaknesses.
I essentially set my Triceps and Shoulders work up as you have been advised on ME days my triceps work is more like hitting some endurance and to get a good pump. On DE days I really hammer Front Delts and Triceps lots of reps and weight here I really like 8x8 on triceps work.
Do your own damn research.
Raw or equipped? How long have you been lifting and do you have access to chains, bands, special bars, etc?
Hey thanks and sorry I 4got to leave out my weak points.
Iv been getting stuck in the middle of the bench press about 3-4 inches off my chest for the last 3 weeks. Thinking of adding pin presses at about that height and the floor press seems to be helping a bit. I use bands every speed day and chains every max day wouldnt go without em.
I lift raw, been lifting for 25 yrs and lovin the hell outa the westside way after only a month of it wish I would have started it a long time ago!
Most special bars I have in my gym too so thats a go.
My deadlift is sticking near the top having lockout issues with that and really need to build a monster grip as well.Any good grip builder advice much appreciated too
Have you read the Westside Method Thread? Not to beat a dead horse but there is about 2500 post dedicated to this method.
Sounds good, new to site il check it out thanks
[quote]sesumatse wrote:
Hey thanks and sorry I 4got to leave out my weak points.
Iv been getting stuck in the middle of the bench press about 3-4 inches off my chest for the last 3 weeks. Thinking of adding pin presses at about that height and the floor press seems to be helping a bit. I use bands every speed day and chains every max day wouldnt go without em.
I lift raw, been lifting for 25 yrs and lovin the hell outa the westside way after only a month of it wish I would have started it a long time ago!
Most special bars I have in my gym too so thats a go.
My deadlift is sticking near the top having lockout issues with that and really need to build a monster grip as well.Any good grip builder advice much appreciated too
I’d be really careful using bands and chains EVERY week. I did that and then when I went back to straight weight I felt really off-balance and such. I had the same problem with the sticking point as well, like almost everyone at some point, and a few months of floor presses fixed that and I’ve never had the problem since. As far as your other question about tricep work, I have always liked doing a few sets of heavy tricep work after max-effort, since the main goal of the day is maximal strength, AND doing heavy singles doesn’t work your triceps all that much. I like using a close-grip on speed work, which works my triceps a good amount, and then depending on how I feel, I’ll do heavy triceps again or a few sets of higher rep work. The triceps really respond better to more intensity than volume.
Iv noticed the same for my tris as well. The triceps are mostly fast twitch and need high intensity to respond at least mine seem to. Yday was ME bench day and I destroyed my old PR on close grip, really happy with results. I do straight weight dumbell presses 2x12-15 on speed day as Louie reccomends to keep my feel for balancing straight weight and after this 3 week wave on my speed day, il drop the bands for 3 weeks as I agree I probably havnt been on the straight weight enuf after falling in love with bands and chains lol…
I thought the floor presses seemed to help with the middle too