Just here weighting my options such to do a little research. Trying to figure out if the risk v. Rewards would be worth it. About myself
I’m extremely lean, have never used, my diet is on point, but I have hit a wall. Been stuck between 200-205 for a couple years now. Try getting my calories and protein up and I juse start gaining fat, strength goes up a little, but weight stays the same. So right now I just try to stay lean, lots of protein, fats, carbs are in the mid range.
Thinking of just test to get that extra boost. Hell did a cycle of CEL m-drol when I was 23 (when pro hormones were still good) and packed on about 10lbs. Not looking to add serious size, just something mild to get over this wall.
[quote]Rhl13 wrote:
Try getting my calories and protein up and I juse start gaining fat, strength goes up a little, but weight stays the same. [/quote]
This combination of things is not possible. All 3 cannot be true at the same time. You can’t gain fat, gain muscle, and maintain bodyweight, unless you’re manipulating water weight in a very strange way.
IMO just run a 10-12 week test only cycle with some AI and see how you respond
500mg/week with test of your choice (Enanthate is easiest if it’s your first cycle)
and a little bit of Adex day after your pins and then a simple nolva/clomid or clomid only pct and take 12 or so weeks off before you decide to continue or not (I’m sure you’ll continue lol)
get in touch with a knowledgeable doctor and have a full blood panel done before any of this and tell him what you plan on doing so you have his input whenever needed. I was referred to an awesome doc by a lot of guys for this reason and he does right by us always giving us feedback and telling us what we need to hear based on blood levels. health is always number one so start reading into a test only cycle and see what you come up with. play around with macros and cardio and just have fun with it, you can learn a lot about your body with a test only cycle