You’re probably wondering why the heck there’s a quiz about viruses and bacteria and pandemics, oh my, on T Nation.
Fair enough.
It’s cuz we felt like it. This is our house, our store. So if we want to lock the doors, lay down a bunch of unrolled plastic garbage bags, run water over them with a hose, and belly-slide down the produce aisle in our underwear, we’ll do it. Like I said, it’s our store.
Oh, we’ll open up the doors, put our pants back on, and resume the normal business of running exercise and nutrition articles soon enough, but we just felt like doing something different today.
And the reason this quiz is specifically on viruses and bacteria and other wee stuff is because it happens to be one of my areas of interest, and given that the whole world kind of has its mind on viruses right now, it felt right.
So here are a few of my favorite virus and bacteria trivia questions. See how many you can get right. The first five forum users to get a perfect score will win themselves a hopefully aseptic T Nation T-shirt. You just have to let us know where to send it.
Full confession, I tried to get #7 wrong by choosing Eminem, because I’ve heard the birthday song bit recommended before, so how did I get #7 “right” as well??? I also tried to get the bubonic plague one wrong, but…
Damn, you can’t ask a question with one of the options being “all the way to Aunt Sally’s house and back” and expect idiots like me not to click on it.