i meant to post this the other nite but i guess it didnt go through.
[quote]deanosumo wrote:
There is no off season over here- no shit! People train for the same sport year in year out. Ironically a lot of Japanese athletes make a jump in their physical capabilities when they are injured and can spend some time in the gym and also rest! True.[/quote]
in distance running, from one perspective you can say there is no off season, with maybe a week between seasons here and there… they do run ALL year round, however, do you mean that she RACES all year round? that is kind of different as racing seasons are much much more stressful.
Atleast at university level there is less racing as opposed to HS level. racing is done every other week or so with maybe 7 or 8 race days a season? atleast in the league i ran at.
I think it would be great if you could work with the coach, but if not, atleast find out what the coaches periodization plan is for her. I think most coaches break the year up into parts:
starting with summer- base training -
usually high mileage, with maybe 1 or 2 tuneup races all summer. Some coachs like to do long slow distance to build up pure endurance, while others like medium paced runs at long distances, and other like to throw in hills and maybe repeats, but usually its where everyone builds their ‘base’ mileage.
fall - Cross country season -
where the mileage drops somewhat but is still high, with more faster workouts and intervals. Races are probably 5k, 6k, 8k, or 10k
winter - indoor track season -
this is usually tune up for outdoor track. The mileage drops alot from cross country. There is more work on intervals and speed and faster races at shorter distances, for a 1500m runner, that may be 800m, 1000m, 1500m and maybe 3200m.
spring - outdoor track season-
atleast in the US. this is the big show, where everyone trains for, as times are fastest outdoors. They taper even more for this and run even faster and shorter races. a 1500m runner probably will not run anything longer than 1500m in this season.
See what the coach has her do in those seasons. Generally, i think one should strength train( lift weights?) all year long as if you only lift in the “off season” ( summer) and stop, you lose all the strength and you’ll feel week at the end of cross country.
and especially since she is female, and a mid-distance runner, make sure her diet is on track. all those calories she burns while doing those long workouts and training runs will wipe anyone out. and to add on strength training after that, definitely get adequate calories and nutrients.
also i know alot of our runners, were more concerned with how they looked, then how it helped them in the gym, meaning they wanted to bench big, with bad form, squat heavy doing only qtr squats, clean totally wrong, injuring the back and reverse curling it, and doing eeverything you can imagine wrong.
and also… lifting wont make you bulky and make you slow… i know you know that. just make sure she does too.