im new here, i have been lifting weights for a little over 5 months now, i am on creatine,no2,glutamine,mega man vitamins, and protein.
i have seen a significant increase in strength, but i am trying to burn fat around my love handles off, i currently weigh 215 lbs, was previously 245 lbs. i dont really want to lose more weight just build on what i got now and lose the handles, any tips for this?
i say punt the no2 and glutamine. im in the camp that says no2 is worthless. the camp that says it is worthwhile claim that no2 and glutamine counteract each other.
[quote]stewart76 wrote:
i am on creatine,no2,glutamine,mega man vitamins, and protein.[/quote]
You’re on that stuff? I hope you’re cycling the protein and vitamins or you’ll get bitch tits.
I’ll quote Shugs on this one: It’s your diet, stupid! Don’t worry about supplements, the reason you can’t lose the love handles is that your diet isn’t in order. As long as you have a sensible lifting routine, your diet is what you should look at. So, what are your stats (lifts), and what is your diet and lifting like?
i am currently lifting 3 sets of each thing i do, with reps of. 12-15,10-12,and 8-10, so the no2 doesnt work?.. i am feeling like it does… dont get me wrong im no expert, would it be reccomended not to take the creatine either?
[quote]stewart76 wrote:
i am currently lifting 3 sets of each thing i do, with reps of. 12-15,10-12,and 8-10, so the no2 doesnt work?.. i am feeling like it does… dont get me wrong im no expert, would it be reccomended not to take the creatine either?[/quote]
I asked about your lifting and diet. Diet being the more important one.
wake up @ 430 am, take 5 no2, eat a bowl of grapenuts cereal w/whole milk, take megaman vitamin, and 2 creatine
workout from 530-630
800am eat half of a turkey sandwich, at 1030-1100am eat a whole turkey sandwich, possibly a milkshake as well
130-200pm eat a half turkey sandwich
430 pm eat another bowl of grapenuts cereal w/ whole milk
730-800pm get a protein shake w/ glutamine,go to bed repeat the next day, i forgot to add i take 3 protein shakes a day mixed w/ glutamine, note i also drink nothing but water all day 7 days a we
All you’re eating is turkey sandwiches? Get some variety. Where are the vegetables and fruits? The GRAPE in grape-nuts does not count as fruit. What kind of bread are these turkey sandwiches on? White I imagine. Trash the white bread. Use whole wheat. Better yet, if you’re really trying to lose fat, trash the bread.
I’ve had success losing fat and gaining muscle with a diet that consists of protein shakes, mixing in fresh fruit, olive oil (for unsat fat) and then once a day I’ll throw in a couple of multi vitamins. I’ve had no fatigue, my recovery has been at most three days and I’m feeling better than I have in a long time. They’re right ditch the bread. If you can find REAL whole grain bread use it, but most of what’s on the market isn’t whole grain (even when it says it is), if it says enriched anywhere on the package it’s not worth the money or the wasted digestive time.
I also do a creatine drink in the morning before workouts, but don’t over-do the creatine. I’ve been successfull with only one 8 ounce creatine drink before every work out. I’ve read and heard that if you do more than that it’s just passing through you.
I know the shake thing sounds mundane, but you can add variety by using many kinds of fruits, and nuts as oppossed to olive oil (you really can’t taste the olive oil in the shake). Almonds are an excellent substitute.