Hi, I just started going to the gym, we’ll been going for about 2 months. I weight about 250 pounds. I used to weight 200 when i was playing Lacrosse, and im trying to get back to that weight cause I want to start playing again. Anyways I havent lost any weight over the last 2 months, I bike for at least 30 min a day, and I lift weights. Im starting to show a little muscle here and there. But my weight is staying the same.
Can anybody give me any tips on how to lose that weight?
Greg: The FIRST thing you need to do is determine (via measurement) how much of that weight is fat vs. lean body weight. Then I would recommend the “Don’t Diet” protocol of John Berardi. It currently is probably the “best” eating protocol for the combination of fat loss (which is what you want) and muscle preservation. (Note: I tend to look at the “Fat Fast” diet as sort of a “quick and dirty/special event preparation” type of diet. I will assure you that MANY will disagree!)