I said it on there, but want to say it again (and don’t know a better place to catch you): today’s webinar was incredible; thank you for how much you offer all of us.
Thank you!
I said it on there, but want to say it again (and don’t know a better place to catch you): today’s webinar was incredible; thank you for how much you offer all of us.
Thank you!
I can second that!
Tremendous amount of information!!
Much appreciated!
I just finished watching it (came late to the party, I could not watch yesterday due to unforeseen personal obligations). One hell of a webinar coach, although I expected nothing less
I especially liked the introduction (I’m wired differently, the stuff most people perceive as boring is what I find to be very interesting) where you talked about the differentiation between types of fatigue and how to interpret them.
I also appreciated the part about efficacy ratios and how they change depending on what rep range you’re training in. This gave me a great insight in not only what method to choose depending on the exercise but more importantly, when it would be best to use or avoid training methods altogether.
I expected to see a lot of overlap with your hypertrophy cornerstone course. I’m happy to find that this wasn’t the case, you brought a lot of new material to the webinar.
A big thank you to you as well as Tom Sheppard for being such great sports, this could have easily been a paid webinar, given the quality content that was put out for free.
I will write an article specifically on that topic for T Nation: how to evaluate if a method is worth doing or not
I’m looking forward to reading it!
I know this is off topic but nonetheless important for those who want to know: do you have an idea yet of when the updated version of all your courses (neurotyping, OCTS, hypertrophy cornerstone) will be available for watching?
I noticed in the chat that Tom said something about you guys currently working on the neurotyping system. I’ve also read somewhere on this forum that you were filming the new OCTS course.
I don’t mean to put you on the spot, just curious to know if a new course version will be available for watching soon.
Thanks CT.
I’m not gonna lie, it’s just a better business move to make those webinars free.
For this one we had 1600 people register, if I make it a paid webinar (which I did in the past) we’d get anywhere between 50 and 100 people.
The paid webinars might give us 3000-5000$ and that’s it.
The free webinars:
Get up a lot of new email to target customers
Sell plenty of products with the special offers that are included
Introduce new people to my work which, as an OG of strength training I find that the newer generation isn’t always familiar with my work so I must make myself known to them
We always get a few more in-person seminar attendees from these webinars
All of that combined makes it a lot better strategy than trying to make a quick buck.
Everybody wins.
Neurotyping will be first. Tom and I gave the first in-person about it 3 weeks ago. I’m scheduled to film it next week. Count about a month for editing from that point.
I also have a kickass product coming up, we just finished filming it, it’s a Barbell Course with: Myself, Tom, Dave Tate and Mai Lihn Dovan (Rehab-U). The barbell course covers the big basic lifts (squat, bench, deadlift, military press) and their assistance, learning the olympic lifts, specialty bars and their purpose and how to warm-up1prepare for lifting.
This is in the process of being edited. We have over 12h of raw material for it.
The hypertrophy course will be next, then a fat loss course and finally OCTS
Yeah, that’s what I love too.
Well I better start saving up then because I’m definitely getting that barbell course one way or another!
Thanks for giving me the update CT, I’m ready to absorb the latest info on neurotyping as this was the first of your courses I enrolled in. My memory could use a little bit of refreshing on that topic.
The science is pretty much the same (some minor changes). BUT I made it more practical (which you might not like as much) because the older version gave lots of raw info but most didn’t know how to apply it. So I made this one more about methods, means of progression, programing and which options are better for each type. I also talk more about how to interact with each type to get the most out of them.
This is really where I saw a ton of value. I think the failure (in my own very humble opinion) is when we read this and then tell ourselves some type of resistance training will somehow slide off our body like rain because it doesn’t match our neurotype. For me, it was very helpful interacting/ coaching with my kids and their friends/ teammates more along the lines of how to connect and cue.
Honestly, I would welcome a more practical approach to neurotyping. It’s one thing to have learned the theory but if you cannot apply it, it’s not worth much is it. I have applied it succesfully with myself and others but the course material did have some gaps in it which I had to figure out myself.
I’ve seen the theoretical version plenty of times. Except for some minor details, I can pretty much recall all the important information that was shared in those courses. It’s locked in my brain forever because I’ve spent so much time on it. But I can imagine not everyone is equally motivated to devote so much of their personal time to really understand the system at its core to apply it effectively. Even I am still learning and adjusting after having watched it a couple years back.
I’m glad you came up with this idea yourself. The previous version was insightful but this layout will be more understandable and probably more enjoyable to watch as well for most people.
I’ve also learned how important dosages can be when supplementing with substances that affect neurotransmitter systems. For example glycine. At first I believed this amino acid should be a staple supplement for everyone, despite for those who have aesthetic goals, given its multiple benefits. Later I found out that personality and stress levels are extremely important because they can completely alter the benefits that glycine has on liver health as well as building muscle tissue.
You mentioned in course nr 3 that type 2B’s should avoid glycine because it can be neurotoxic for them but you did not explain why. So I did a little digging and found out that glycine, especially when taken in excess, acts as a co-agonist for glutamate and can bind to NMDA receptors as well, creating the same excitatory effect. Not good for people who are dealing with chronic stress related illnesses or people who are anxious by nature.
Exactly, which is why I mentioned that those with high glutamate levels are more likely to have an excitatory effect from glycine
You did mention that but you left out the explanation why glycine has this effect on people with high glutamate levels.
Off course the most important lesson is not to take it when you have high glutamate levels, that’s probably enough info for most people. I get why you chose not to give further details otherwise the course would be even longer. So no hard feelings there.
Regarding the new course, will you share with us a bit more about the neurosubtypes (2A actor, passionate, 3a & 3b etc.)?
Lastly, I would love to learn more on how to integrate secondary and tertiary dominances (for example type 3 has 2B and 1A as her/his second and third dominance) of each neurotype into the programming/coaching. Is this something you will be covering as well?
Will you be posting it to YouTube, or it was just for those who tuned in?
Unfortunately, work got in the way. Is a recorded version available? Asking for a friend.
The playback is available for those who registered prior to the webinar only
Just for those who tuned in live or registered before-hand and received a playback link
For those who didn’t register, maybe my partner can send you a link if you email