WDFPA World Champs

Went to see the unequiped day (Sat) of the world’s this weekend. Some awesome lifts. Our lifters (Helen Isaac @58.5kg and Fred Greenall @100kg) had a dissapointing performance, due to disrupted training mainly. However their performance was the best they could manage that day, so I guess that’s the positive to come back with.

Notable points of the day were a 315kg (694lb)raw deadlift by the tallest (Irish) 100kg lifter I’ve ever seen : I think his name was Finnely- but could be wrong (I’m bad with names!)
and an outstanding performance by a lovely 18 yo American girl called Chelsea (Richard?) she broke World records 5 times!

Great day but a long one, congrats to all who lifted!

Hanley- I believe you were lifting in the equipped on Sunday, how did you do man?

^^^ James Fennelly is the Irish guy.

Can you remember the name of the 67year old woman in the 44kg class? She did the equipped the day after and pulled 116.5kg, over 2.5bw at that age - amazing!

Hanley has his results up in his log.
I was there helping out on the equipped day, it ran quite smoothly and all the lifting was finished by about 5 I think.

I think that would be Pat Reeves, I may have a pic of her lifting unequiped.
I have a lot of pics & video clips that I’m hoping to put on Youtube in a week or so.

[quote]Boffin wrote:

Notable points of the day were a 315kg (694lb)raw deadlift by the tallest (Irish) 100kg lifter I’ve ever seen : I think his name was Finnely- but could be wrong (I’m bad with names!)
and an outstanding performance by a lovely 18 yo American girl called Chelsea (Richard?) she broke World records 5 times!

Hanley- I believe you were lifting in the equipped on Sunday, how did you do man?[/quote]

As Trib said, James Fennelly. The guys a brute. One of the best deadlifts I’ve seen in person.

The US 18 year old girl was awesome. She had the best total overall in the 80kg female class and she did it without a belt!!

A French girl pulled 205kg at 96kg raw (450lb at 210lb) too which was awesome to see.

Pete Sutton’s 800kg total at 125 was also freakin’ awesome (280/210/310 I believe). 1750lb at 275 in a belt, drug free like. That’s just sick.

The 67 year old was Judith Gedney. Some unbelivable lifting out of her. A 116.5kg pull at 43kg and 67 years young is unreal.

Sunday’s equipped lifting had some monsterous lifts…

Matt Saunders’ 880kg total at 100kg and Mark Norton going 902.5 at 110kg are the stand outs.

I got on quite well. Happy with my performance like, PR’s across the board. 220/165/250 @ 96.6kg, so like 1400lb at 210lb. I got turned down 2-1 on a bad call for my 2nd squat (230kg) and jumped to 235 for my 3rd but took it too deep and got out of position, brought it to about 3/4 way up and just couldn’t muscle it out the rest of the way.

Well done Hanley

Yes, well done Hanley!
Judy Gedney: I hadn’t realised she was 67!
I have some vids of her lifting, I’ll post them when I get back home.

Anyone got a link to the results yet?

I think the full official results may take a bit to get out, unless WDFPA moves a bit quicker than BDFPA.

Full Results and scoresheet

Thanks trib, they must be getting faster!
Now I can add names to some of the clips I’ll put up.

I thought you’d like to see some pics, Chelsea Rebman…

Judy Gedney

Judy Gedney unequipped DL

looks like the vid didn’t come through, I’ll try again later.

Scrap that it did come through, guess I was too impatient.

I love the way Judith had a big smile on her face as she pulls the weight.

What a fight tho, it was slow off the floor AND it helicoptered on her. How many othre people would have given up on it…

Here’s Fenneley’s first pull (i.e. his second lift)at 315kg, foot slipped on the poor platform and he was given the attempt again and completed a good lift. Pity I didn’t get a shot of that!


That italian lad is a very good lifter. He also jumped straight from 200kg to 240kg in deadlift.

Here’s a link to my vids of the women’s unequipped squat. There are about 32 included. Enjoy!

And a link to a compilation of stills: