It’s Wednesday and I’m ready for some insightful questions. Got any out there?
I’m doing ABBH right now, and I’m on Day 7, chest/back pairing, 10x4.
My question is:
Last week on 10x3, flat barbell bench press, I repped 265.
This week I repped 265 for 10x4, but only completed 8 sets on my own–I didn’t train to failure on the last two, I just lowered the weight to 255.
Should I have kept it at 265? Stopped altogether?
Maybe I wasn’t as focused as last week…
Thanks, man.
[quote]Chad Waterbury wrote:
It’s Wednesday and I’m ready for some insightful questions. Got any out there? [/quote]
Hey Chad I don’t have any questions just a simple thanks.I used to train the typical bodybuilding style1 or two muscle groups a week.
Monday:Back and Chest
Tuesday:Legs…ect ect
I had been doing this for roughly two years.For the last month I’ve been doing your TBT workouts and I’m getting the best results I’ve ever had.I’ve actually gained size while cutting and my strength is up,from now on I’m not doing anything but Total Body!
Hey Chad! I have a question on periodization.
How many types of Periodization are there?
Which type(s) of periodization do you incorporate in your programs?
Which one do you find most effective?
Whats the difference between Undulated and Conjugate periodization? What are the concepts behind these types? Loading? Progression?
Are you familiar with Accumulation/Intensification? If so, what is your opinion on it? What is the concept behind this?
How would you go about setting up a periodization aimed at raw size and strength?
I asked CT about the exact same thing, and he stated that he used a wavelike conjugate, which is like a accum/intens, where size is maximized for 4 weeks, while keeping strength and power on matience, and follwed by a intensification block where strength is maximized while size and power are on matience. Then a specialization block following.
He shows a graph on his Prime time. Anyway, like always, I have a shitload of questions, and a thoughrough input would be greatly appreciated
You’re snowed in at home, but you need get some GPP/conditioning work done. You don’t have any cardio equipment at home. What do you do? What do you do?
Grab a shovel?
[quote]Nate Green wrote:
I’m doing ABBH right now, and I’m on Day 7, chest/back pairing, 10x4.
My question is:
Last week on 10x3, flat barbell bench press, I repped 265.
This week I repped 265 for 10x4, but only completed 8 sets on my own–I didn’t train to failure on the last two, I just lowered the weight to 255.
Should I have kept it at 265? Stopped altogether?
Maybe I wasn’t as focused as last week…
Thanks, man.
I’m not CW, but I’m familiar with his stuff!
You did it right. If you can’t make all sets with the same weight for the required reps, you should lower the weight.
[quote]Nate Green wrote:
I’m doing ABBH right now, and I’m on Day 7, chest/back pairing, 10x4.
My question is:
Last week on 10x3, flat barbell bench press, I repped 265.
This week I repped 265 for 10x4, but only completed 8 sets on my own–I didn’t train to failure on the last two, I just lowered the weight to 255.
Should I have kept it at 265? Stopped altogether?
Maybe I wasn’t as focused as last week…
Thanks, man.
This is a question I frequently get asked, and this is a case where 8x3 parameters might have suited you better. Nevertheless, I recommend you decrease the load on the last two sets in order to complete all reps (this is advisable when the main goal is hypertrophy, not maximal strength).
The other issue is initial loading. Your initial loading might have been a tad high. Either way, you seem to be progressing in a sufficient manner.
Say if I put myself in a prime state (e.g. 6-8% bodyfat) that I was happy at where I looked and felt great. Also say that I didn’t want to fall into the typical bodybuilding conundrum of gaining a lot of weight to only lose it again. How would you approach the situation?
Here is my plan so far:
2 weeks of VD to get where I want to be in terms of bodyfat and waist measurement. Afterwards I’m starting a Massive Eating Style regimen at a bit under what I need (3200kcals) when my metabolic rate is generally around 3500 or so. Then each week I’m going to up it 100kcals and see where I go. Anything you would suggest?
I’m generally going to stick with your workouts; I think I just might throw Shoulders Overhaul in there for a few weeks. Also I’m goign to increase my low intensity cardio (maybe start walking to school instead of biking or start hiking here and there) and possibly do intervals a few times a week.
[quote]K-Narf wrote:
Chad Waterbury wrote:
It’s Wednesday and I’m ready for some insightful questions. Got any out there?
Hey Chad I don’t have any questions just a simple thanks.I used to train the typical bodybuilding style1 or two muscle groups a week.
Monday:Back and Chest
Tuesday:Legs…ect ect
I had been doing this for roughly two years.For the last month I’ve been doing your TBT workouts and I’m getting the best results I’ve ever had.I’ve actually gained size while cutting and my strength is up,from now on I’m not doing anything but Total Body![/quote]
Thanks! I thoroughly enjoy reading posts like yours.
[quote]Xfactor88 wrote:
Hey Chad! I have a question on periodization.
How many types of Periodization are there?
Which type(s) of periodization do you incorporate in your programs?
Which one do you find most effective?
Whats the difference between Undulated and Conjugate periodization? What are the concepts behind these types? Loading? Progression?
Are you familiar with Accumulation/Intensification? If so, what is your opinion on it? What is the concept behind this?
How would you go about setting up a periodization aimed at raw size and strength?
I asked CT about the exact same thing, and he stated that he used a wavelike conjugate, which is like a accum/intens, where size is maximized for 4 weeks, while keeping strength and power on matience, and follwed by a intensification block where strength is maximized while size and power are on matience. Then a specialization block following.
He shows a graph on his Prime time. Anyway, like always, I have a shitload of questions, and a thoughrough input would be greatly appreciated
I answered this question in the thread you made a few days ago. In addition, I recommend you check out our roundtable discussion on this topic.
[quote]general_lfl wrote:
You’re snowed in at home, but you need get some GPP/conditioning work done. You don’t have any cardio equipment at home. What do you do? What do you do?[/quote]
Are you kidding, it’s really snowing somewhere right now?
Jump rope, jumping jacks, and squat thrusts with light dumbbells. That’ll do the trick.
[quote]Nate Green wrote:
Grab a shovel?
Ha! That’s the first thing that came to mind when I read the post. Good answer!
Just don’t pull a Mel Siff (that’s no joke).
[quote]Chad Waterbury wrote:
Nate Green wrote:
I’m doing ABBH right now, and I’m on Day 7, chest/back pairing, 10x4.
My question is:
Last week on 10x3, flat barbell bench press, I repped 265.
This week I repped 265 for 10x4, but only completed 8 sets on my own–I didn’t train to failure on the last two, I just lowered the weight to 255.
Should I have kept it at 265? Stopped altogether?
Maybe I wasn’t as focused as last week…
Thanks, man.
This is a question I frequently get asked, and this is a case where 8x3 parameters might have suited you better. Nevertheless, I recommend you decrease the load on the last two sets in order to complete all reps (this is advisable when the main goal is hypertrophy, not maximal strength).
The other issue is initial loading. Your initial loading might have been a tad high. Either way, you seem to be progressing in a sufficient manner. [/quote]
Thanks Chad. Your programs have done wonders for me. I have a few pictures posted if you care to see the results I’ve had thanks to you and the other great contributors on T-Nation.
What set/rep scheme would you use? Sure, it’s always snowing somewhere in the world.
chad, i would like your thoughts on this program for someone who has a strong strength base(at least in relation to his plyometric ability)
[i]---------monday(day 1)-------------
-depth jump off of 18 inch box then hit ground up onto 12 inch box as fast and quietly as possible, (is that how to perform them? )
-ATG squat %85 3x3
-RDL 3x5(could i maybe do gm’s here, but just use a belt on them and only go down to ~45 degrees?)
tuesday until thursday just cardio under 60% with maybe 1-2 games of hard b-ball that lasts up to 10 minutes each???is that alright? sorry man laugh.gif
-Depth jump - 6-8 x 3
-Deadlift - 3 x 3 @ 80-85%
-bulgarian split squat or lunge - 2 x 5 per leg [/i]
with the goal to increase VJ?
keep writing kickass articles man.
no question here, just some serious praise. i recently modified your TTT for a cutting diet i am doing (only thing i changed was the third day i use 4 powerlifting movements at 3x3). needless to say, my strength has improved week to week WHILE i have lost about 2% bf. i am no beginner either as i have had 9 yrs of training under my belt. thanks again Chad, your programs have yet to let me down!!
I’m planning a cycle to bring up my squat… I train 3 days a week and will be doing 2 lower body workouts with 1 upper, and a second upper every other week as thats all time allows.
what would you consider the minimum volume/intensity to maintain my bench strength?
[quote]Nate Green wrote:
Chad Waterbury wrote:
Nate Green wrote:
I’m doing ABBH right now, and I’m on Day 7, chest/back pairing, 10x4.
My question is:
Last week on 10x3, flat barbell bench press, I repped 265.
This week I repped 265 for 10x4, but only completed 8 sets on my own–I didn’t train to failure on the last two, I just lowered the weight to 255.
Should I have kept it at 265? Stopped altogether?
Maybe I wasn’t as focused as last week…
Thanks, man.
This is a question I frequently get asked, and this is a case where 8x3 parameters might have suited you better. Nevertheless, I recommend you decrease the load on the last two sets in order to complete all reps (this is advisable when the main goal is hypertrophy, not maximal strength).
The other issue is initial loading. Your initial loading might have been a tad high. Either way, you seem to be progressing in a sufficient manner.
Thanks Chad. Your programs have done wonders for me. I have a few pictures posted if you care to see the results I’ve had thanks to you and the other great contributors on T-Nation.
Awesome physique, Nate! You should be proud of yourself. Hopefully, my methods helped a little. Keep at it and stay in touch.
[quote]general_lfl wrote:
What set/rep scheme would you use? Sure, it’s always snowing somewhere in the world.[/quote]
Sure, I can understand that it’s probably snowing somewhere, but Missouri? In August? Anyway, I assume you’re asking this for those MO winters.
Don’t worry about sets/reps, instead, focus on duration. Start out with say, 15 minutes, then slowly increase it over time.
Have you read my GPP ASAP article? You don’t need any equipment (except a pull-up bar) for that entire routine. Check it out.