I’m here to expound.
I notice you rarely prescribe strategic deconditioning weeks at the end of your programs. Is this because you prefer to leave this up to each person, or because you’re not in favor of them?
What type of gains do your trainees usually get when on your Outlaw Strength and Conditioning program?
When doing good mornings, do you like the knees locked or slightly bent?
I’m on my last week of QD and I plan on doing Waterbury Method next. We plan on going on vacation in about a month and I don’t plan on working out then. What do you think will happen if I don’t take any time off before starting WM and take a week off while on vacation?
- Larry
You’re the man!
This may be a silly question, but i don’t think i have seen it answered in any of your workout threads before.
When you recommend increasing the load by 2.5% each week, do you take your 80% of your 1RM in week one and then add 2.5% each week so that week 2 would be 82.5, wk3 85, and wk 4 87.5 etc.?
In this way, you would have all of your loads for each week determined before you ever started.
Or do you add 2.5% to the weight you lifted the week before. This way if you were able to lift more in a given week, you would increase THAT weight by 2.5% for the next week.
Hope that all made sense
I’m currently performing your Lift Fast program and have a question about eliminating the SSC response with exercises like squats, deadlifts, etc.
I’m performing the 4 second pause at the bottom of the movement, which for deadlifts seems more like an isometric hold. Also, I tried to sit in the bottom of the squat for four seconds, but my knees didn’t like that, so I won’t be doing it anymore. Am I missing something? Moves like bench and rows are simple to hold, any input you had on other movements would be appreciated. Thanks.
I just got my Carbolin 19 in the mail this week. Any recommendations on a training routine specifically for Carbolin 19? I was planning on starting up ABBH.
hey chad, i have a concern/question…
i have a concern about the fat that i carry, like when i flex my stomach my stomach is big, but its really solid, but i know that its not solid ab, it cant be, so what i’m wondering is should i be concerned about the “heart-attack fat”, is it possible that more fat can be held subcataneousl.
just so you know, i’m 21, i weigh 310, play football, so i’m not like a fat slob, i just wondered what your thoughts would be on that, including if just any diet will help lose that weight if it is the heart attack kind…
thanks alot
Hey Chad! I did dips on the 4x6 method with 70lbs today! Hell yeah! Not bad considering when I started the WM I was doing 70.
Now I have a question:
I posted on the other forum my summer situation with being a golf caddy and all the walking. Well that begins in about 2 weeks. Also I"m on the third week of a 1-ad cycle right now.
What should I be aiming to do for the summer? You already gave me a good workout; but now I’m trying to tackle the nutrition of it.
My caloric needs can fluctuate wildly based off of whether I do 18 holes or 36 holes. I generally tend to lose a decent amount of weight a good amount of bodyfat and muscle mass. Last summer i overcame this by doing a 5-week 1-ad and MAG-10 cycle during which I from about 180lbs to 220; and then cut back down to 200 and was quite shredded and I went home stronger than when I left.
So for this summer how should I plan my 14 weeks nutritionally and with workouts (I’ll probably use the singles club for atleast half of the summer).
Also factor in that I don’t exactly have access to a kitchen and half the time it’s whatever food I can fit in my pockets when I go on the golf course (and then load up in between loops. I never quite know when I’ll be on the course or just sitting around laying back so it’s hard to plan my meals metiiculously.
Suggestions? Advice? Supplements I should consider other than Spike and my ephedrine/caffeine for really bad days?
[quote]leon79 wrote:
I notice you rarely prescribe strategic deconditioning weeks at the end of your programs. Is this because you prefer to leave this up to each person, or because you’re not in favor of them?[/quote]
Good question. First off, I definitely recommend weeks of deconditioning, unloading, or whatever the lastest term that coaches fancy. But, here’s why I usually don’t prescribe them: life.
It’s very rare when a trainee can continuously hit the gym for every session, week in and week out. Usually, some other “life variable” forces a brief hiatus. Whether it be work, school, illness, vacation, etc it seems prevalent. Therefore, I allow life to take care of the unloading phases, usually.
But, many trainees - especially on this site - rarely miss workouts. As such, I recommend an unloading week every 5-6 weeks for newbies; while advanced trainees could incorporate one every 4-5 weeks.
Nevertheless, unloading provides a very real and powerful effect to enhance training. Factors such as CNS recovery, and MHC overshoots are just two.
[quote]LarryJr wrote:
What type of gains do your trainees usually get when on your Outlaw Strength and Conditioning program?
When doing good mornings, do you like the knees locked or slightly bent?
I’m on my last week of QD and I plan on doing Waterbury Method next. We plan on going on vacation in about a month and I don’t plan on working out then. What do you think will happen if I don’t take any time off before starting WM and take a week off while on vacation?
- Larry[/quote]
A trainee with average to high levels of body fat can cut their percentage by 2-3%. In addition, a few appreciable pounds of muscle are often included.
Unlocked, for sure.
You should be fine to start the WM right away. Your vacation will be a welcome rest to your previous few months of intense training. Enjoy the week off!
Hi Chad,
What diets do you recommend for your hypertrophy training programs? Thanks!
[quote]PharmD Pete wrote:
This may be a silly question, but i don’t think i have seen it answered in any of your workout threads before.
When you recommend increasing the load by 2.5% each week, do you take your 80% of your 1RM in week one and then add 2.5% each week so that week 2 would be 82.5, wk3 85, and wk 4 87.5 etc.?
In this way, you would have all of your loads for each week determined before you ever started.
Or do you add 2.5% to the weight you lifted the week before. This way if you were able to lift more in a given week, you would increase THAT weight by 2.5% for the next week.
Hope that all made sense[/quote]
Actually, that’s not a dumb question at all! As a general rule, I recommend a certain progressive increase within my workouts (in your example, 2.5%). Unfortunately, nothing is perfect in training. Trainees often under or overestimate their % of 1RMs. This sets them up for confusion since they don’t know to accurately adjust the load, which further confuses the progression. Hopefully, trainees will take the time and effort to accurately figure their 1RMs. This makes life much easier.
There’s another important underlying issue with your query. Anytime a trainee is feeling “in the zone,” I always recommend that they take advantage of it. Case in point: let’s say you perform workout 1 with 85% of 1RM and all goes well. Then, the next session is performed with 87.5%, but you’re feeling incredible. If this is the case, I recommend you increase the load another 2.5%, if you KNOW you can lift it. If you’re unsure, don’t risk it. Anyway, this “jump” in percentages will force you to adjust your initial numbers. Therefore, the progression becomes:
85, 90, 92.5, 95% of 1RM
Chad - how far away are you from completing your PhD? What are your plans upon completion?
[quote]apayne wrote:
I’m currently performing your Lift Fast program and have a question about eliminating the SSC response with exercises like squats, deadlifts, etc.
I’m performing the 4 second pause at the bottom of the movement, which for deadlifts seems more like an isometric hold. Also, I tried to sit in the bottom of the squat for four seconds, but my knees didn’t like that, so I won’t be doing it anymore. Am I missing something? Moves like bench and rows are simple to hold, any input you had on other movements would be appreciated. Thanks.[/quote]
You’re right dude, some exercise are better-suited for the technique than others. If you ever feel pain/discomfort in any method, avoid it.
The SSC technique is best suited for squats, presses, calf raises and dips. Stick to those, for now.
[quote]obiwanheifner wrote:
I just got my Carbolin 19 in the mail this week. Any recommendations on a training routine specifically for Carbolin 19? I was planning on starting up ABBH.
Lee [/quote]
That would be a great starting point. Finish it, then get back to me for further advice.
Which routine of yours do you suggest for relative newbies looking to increase strength? ABBH, TBT, WM, TTT, or Big Boy Basics?
[quote]Papercut wrote:
hey chad, i have a concern/question…
i have a concern about the fat that i carry, like when i flex my stomach my stomach is big, but its really solid, but i know that its not solid ab, it cant be, so what i’m wondering is should i be concerned about the “heart-attack fat”, is it possible that more fat can be held subcataneousl.
just so you know, i’m 21, i weigh 310, play football, so i’m not like a fat slob, i just wondered what your thoughts would be on that, including if just any diet will help lose that weight if it is the heart attack kind…
thanks alot[/quote]
Regardless of your age, large levels of abdominal fat are an important issue. I would, of course, recommend that you lose some of that fat; but your coaches might bark at such advice. I’m sure you’re a lineman, and I’m sure that 310 lbs helps you “maintain your space” while increasing your opponents’ efforts to move you.
If you want to get leaner, I recommend the T-Dawg 2.0 diet.
I’ve done quite a few of your programs -thanks. I am looking for a program suited to seriously increase leg mass and strength, any recommendations? I had considered hybrid hypertrophy, possibly using MAG-10 in place of Alpha Male and Methoxy-7, your thoughts? Thanks
[quote]Chad Waterbury wrote:
leon79 wrote:
I notice you rarely prescribe strategic deconditioning weeks at the end of your programs. Is this because you prefer to leave this up to each person, or because you’re not in favor of them?
Good question. First off, I definitely recommend weeks of deconditioning, unloading, or whatever the lastest term that coaches fancy. But, here’s why I usually don’t prescribe them: life.
It’s very rare when a trainee can continuously hit the gym for every session, week in and week out. Usually, some other “life variable” forces a brief hiatus. Whether it be work, school, illness, vacation, etc it seems prevalent. Therefore, I allow life to take care of the unloading phases, usually.
But, many trainees - especially on this site - rarely miss workouts. As such, I recommend an unloading week every 5-6 weeks for newbies; while advanced trainees could incorporate one every 4-5 weeks.
Nevertheless, unloading provides a very real and powerful effect to enhance training. Factors such as CNS recovery, and MHC overshoots are just two. [/quote]
Thank you for answering my question so thoroughly.
What type of routine would you recommend if I wanted to implement the same set/rep scheme (5x5,10x3,10x10) for all of my lifts?