many of you may remember me from my last post. forget it ever happened. consider this a new beginning.
i just started a new 9-5 job, mon-sat. my workouts have taken a beating. i come home and am physically tired and mentally tired. two routines that have worked for me are Chad Waterbury’s hybrid hypertrophy (HH) and TBT. they also dont take too long to complete. since my goals are strength AND size, i was wondering if it would be a good idea to cycle through them. they workout great uz they both have me going to the gym only 3x a week. here’s how i would set it up:
4 weeks HH, 1 week de-load, 4 weeks TBT, 1 week de-load, cycle repeats.
during the de-load, i just plan on not training as hard.
any opinions?