Enjoy the 3 days a week total body workout that is popularized in Waterbury’s routines. I feel that working the whole body is taxing, moreso than split training that is can speed up fat burning. On the other hand I feel I may be lacking in strength and hypertrophy in my pushing exercises.
Would a change in the total body training to performing these exercises all out with very strict for and slow negatives lead to hypertrophy? Also, can a 4 day split such as Back and Bicceps/Legs and Delts/chest triceps calves (ok thats 3 days) lead to better strength and hypertrophy gains while expending the energy that a total body routine4 does? I guess I am just asking your opinion on either and that if there are better ways?
I normally switch between a 3 day per week full body workout and a 4 day per week upper/lower split. I use one until I feel like my workout has stagnated, about every 8-12 weeks, then switch to the other.
I guess I am just asking your opinion on either and that if there are better ways?[/quote]
I would say that it would depend on what your goals are.
If planning to go on stage, I would think that splits
would be essential. I like the idea of hitting each body
part 3x a week. This is what Waterbury advocates along
with Alwyn Cosgove. Cosgrove says decide whether your are
among the 4% genetically gifted, or the rest of us.
No reason to doubt this- he does it for a living and gets
paid for results. Most people want low fat bodies. I think
total body compound exercises ,along with intervals will
serve them well. Waterbury’s body weight training I find
useful, no excuses,no gym -no problem.