
I drink alot of water in my protein shakes. Like at least 24 ounces four to five times per day. I also drink pepsi one often. My urine is always clear and i piss often. i think im ok. Quit thinking so much people!

Hmm, for me, I did stop going to the bathroom less frequently over time. It’s interesting that the body adapts… but my question is: why? What happens? Does the water suddenly get stored in ways it wasn’t before?

And I agree that it’s not something to be anal about. As long as you stay hydrated, you’re fine. I think once you’re going to the bathroom in excessive amounts you’re over doing it. What’s more, you’ll never keep the habit several years down the road anyway.


Goldberg, the only time your piss isn’t clear is when you have an “overflow” (for lack of a better word) of water-soluble vitamins such as B6, B12, etc.

Here is an article from JB specifically on water

Oh really. Hmmm. Well when i dont drink alot does my body start expelling b vitamins into my urine? Is that why my urine is yellow in the morning but at no other times?

Your urine is yellow if you don’t consume enough water, it’s not only from vitamins.

And woah; I didn’t know Berardi had this own website. This will make reading all his articles a much easier task…thanks!


The yellow from vitamins is a different kind of yellow. What colout is urea. I dont think super clear piss is practical but dark n smelly is definately a problem :slight_smile:

Thats what I thought oshea. Ive had piss that was yellow from too much b vitamins. It almost glows. different kind of yellow exactly.

Just my two cents here. If you drink til your urine is clear, you’ve drank enough. If you go beyond that, you’re just losing eletrolytes b/c of the hormonal mechanisms involved with drinking water. When the body doesn’t have enough water, the pituitary stimulates release of anti-diuretic hormone that slows urine output. When you drink tons of water, the opposite happens; the body senses it has an excess of water and expells it, along with vital electrolytes. So BALANCE it.

Yeah and all those water soluble vitamins with them too.

I weigh 185 and drink about 1 gallon a day.

When you pee clear you are hydrated. If you get up in the morning and your pee is dark yellow you are not hydrated. My ‘balance’ is when I only get up once a night, I go potty and then drink some more water and go back to bed - no yellow pee in the morning that way.

I totally agree, ‘vitamin pee’ is a very different color than ‘dehydration pee’. I think the first is more greenish, and they definately smell different… (ewww!)

Has anyone noticed this: If I am very careful to stay hydrated for a week or so, then my water intake drops for some reason my kidneys/lower back start to ache.

(she said potty)

Your blood volume has decreased and thus your kidneys must filter out wastes that are more concentrated.

Am I close?

Yep, I have noticed that michelle. Scary! My GF went to hospital cos she got a kidney stone age 21! She must have an ADH oversecretion cos she goes to the can every hour regardless. The paradox was that she goes less when she drinks more but its still a problem.

I probably shouldn’t have shared that :slight_smile: