[quote]benos4752 wrote:
I never made it through season one…but I am biased…Superman was always my least favorite superhero.[/quote]
I’ve been a fan since day one. You can’t put season one in the dvd player without acknowledging it was made over ten years ago. Welling basically grew up to full adulthood on that show. When that show first started, they were setting a precedence so you have to cut them some slack considering at the time, the WB’s biggest draw was Dawson’s Creek.
That show has been significant enough that Cloe Sullivan, a character originally only written for the show has now been added into the DC universe in the comics. The guy playing his dad from Dukes of Hazard did a great job over the years to the point that when he finally dies, you really do miss his presence.
Yeah, they had bad seasons…like that whole witch craft bullshit with Lana Lang, but the bottom line is, how many shows even last a full decade?
They spent ten full years fleshing out who Clark really is, basically starting off with him being afraid of heights, best friends with Lex (after saving his life) and ONLY wanting to be human to ten years later having Lex as a mortal enemy, he WILL fly this year (superman didn’t fly originally in the comics), and accepting his destiny.
The Green Arrow turned out to be a solid addition to the cast.
Yeah, they screwed up some along the way but anyone who has actually watched that show for years knows they created something solid that helped rewrite how that character is perceived.
Clark Kent is the focus and his lack of ability to fly seems to be directly linked to the fact that he still sees himself as human. The moment he does take off will be the point he really accepts who he is…and honestly, how else would that character be written if truly dissecting his youngest years?
That show picked up around season 5 when The Flash was introduced along with Cyborg. Ignore the witch craft shit, the few “too WB episodes” and enjoy it for what it was for a decade.