I can imagine the knee-jerk statements that are going to be made, based on fear, anger and hatred, but I suspect that these things do come back to roost eventually.
In short, it is not a wise move to dismantle these protections even though it may be convenient to do so right now. Forever is a long time.
Also, whether or not something is a “war crime” is not solely the purvey of the President or the USA to decide.
Time will tell. Maybe eventually someone somewhere will grow a pair and assert moral outrage over what may eventually be exposed as violations of the Geneva Conventions.
Screw war crimes. At this point we can’t even get those in charge to play by the rules in our own legal preceedings. This adminstration has repeatedly demonstrated that they will not be held accountable for anything and/or that they simply can not remember anything.
[quote]storey420 wrote:
Screw war crimes. At this point we can’t even get those in charge to play by the rules in our own legal preceedings. This adminstration has repeatedly demonstrated that they will not be held accountable for anything and/or that they simply can not remember anything.[/quote]
I’ve noticed that trend.
[quote]storey420 wrote:
Screw war crimes. At this point we can’t even get those in charge to play by the rules in our own legal preceedings. This adminstration has repeatedly demonstrated that they will not be held accountable for anything and/or that they simply can not remember anything.[/quote]
Administration +1
Populace… ZERO.
Your country is starting to remind me of Russia for some reason.
I was watching the proceedings with Gonzales the other night and I wanted to puke. What kind of example is this for children and students? It just helps brew a deeper contempt for politics and this adminstration, which is not what this country needs necessarily.
[quote]storey420 wrote:
I was watching the proceedings with Gonzales the other night and I wanted to puke. What kind of example is this for children and students? It just helps brew a deeper contempt for politics and this adminstration, which is not what this country needs necessarily.[/quote]
It seems to me that politicians have been playing an unwise game for the last decade or so.
What game you ask… since there are so damned many!
They are playing for short time gain at the expense of the system, the populace, the constitution, or whatever else they can eke a benefit from. The US wasn’t founded on the principle of “what’s in it for me” was it?
Hell, last time I argued about it online there were a whole bunch of principles and a sense of purpose. Somebody really needs to start holding the politicians feet to the fire… but with an apathetic populace, I guess I’ll just get a burger and beer and watch sports on TV like everyone else.