Hi, I have been referred to several threads from this forum while searching google. Seems to be a lot of good info so I figured that I would join. In a nutshell… I grew up in family of body builders. My grandfather, and father both competed at amateur levels so lifting was basically a shoe in.
I took more of an interest in powerlifting. I always liked seeing how strong I was by trying to pick up random objects around our farm. Anyhow, I am 27 trying to get back in shape after taking severals years off, and gaining 100lbs of fat. I have lost just over 50lbs so far, and have a long way to go until I am satisfied. I know I am probably not going to be competitive at my weight, but I am curious as to wear I need to be as far as numbers go. After 6 months of lifting Here’s where I stand…
Max Bench 345lbs for 3 reps
Max Squat (paralleled) 585lbs for 2 reps
Max Deadlift 495lbs for 5 reps (I could probably dead lift more, just taking my time.)
I have access to numerous tractor tires. I have the skills, and tools to fabricate my own sled and yoke. I don’t know what else I should get.
Any advice you can give me is much appreciated. I don’t know anyone who has ever entered a strongman competition to ask personally. Nor do I have the slightest idea of what I need to start doing. My dad he has helped train me while I was younger, but this is out of his realm. Not to mention at 50yrs old he isn’t into lifting the kind of weight that I want to…
If there are any local (or close enough) strongman comps in the near future, definitely attend as a spectator. You’ll learn a lot about competition. Talk to as many guys as you can. You may even find someone in your area. How much do you weigh? Your lifts are good enough for novice competition.
[quote]spar4tee wrote:
If there are any local (or close enough) strongman comps in the near future, definitely attend as a spectator. You’ll learn a lot about competition. Talk to as many guys as you can. You may even find someone in your area. How much do you weigh? Your lifts are good enough for novice competition.[/quote]
Thank you. I am 337lbs as of last Friday. All of my lifts are raw. Back before I was injured I was an avid powerlifter and my bench was a lot better.
[quote]spar4tee wrote:
If there are any local (or close enough) strongman comps in the near future, definitely attend as a spectator. You’ll learn a lot about competition. Talk to as many guys as you can. You may even find someone in your area. How much do you weigh? Your lifts are good enough for novice competition.[/quote]
Thank you. I am 337lbs as of last Friday. All of my lifts are raw. Back before I was injured I was an avid powerlifter and my bench was a lot better. [/quote]
How tall are you?
I am 6’ [/quote]
Injuries are a pain. Keep working on it. You’re on the right path. Don’t even worry about your bench. Focus more on your strict and push pressing as well as your cleans. Only bench for assistance and fun.
Get a pair of farmer walk handles. You can use 2 EZ bars in replace of them, but having the real thing would work better. Focus on overhead lifts be it push press, strict, jerk or whatever. Get used to pushing weights overhead. Get some atlas stones, as those, along with overhead pressing are pretty much a “given” event at any strongman comp.
Good programs to check out that you can use would be the iron sport strength method, and 531. You can program your overhead lifts and strongman event training with both of those.
The more your practice the actual strongman events the better you will get at them.