Walleye's Training Log

[quote]walleye49 wrote:
OK to fill out some more detail on the 8-15 plan.

Warm up 10 reps of alternating bench press. You lay flat on you bench and do the first rep with the bar finishing over the top of your head, so that if you drop the bar it wouldn’t hit your body at all. The next rep is with the bar finished over your belly button. The next rep is a regular bench press. Repeat all three until you get to 10 reps each. Use light weight about 95 lbs or so.

Next dumbbell press for 8 reps elbows in using 125 lb
Next dumbbell press for 15 reps elbows out for 100 lb dumbbells.

OK now I’m using 125 for 11 reps and 90 for 20 reps

Pullovers for 8 reps using 95lb dumbbell. It feels like it’s going to rip you apart.
Now I’m using 110 lbs for 9 reps. These are my least favorite exercise.

Shoulders do 75 lbs elbows in 8 reps, then 45 lbs elbows out for 15 reps.

Shoulders I’m doing 75 for 10 reps and 50 for 20 reps.

Shoulders on alternating workouts lateral raises for 10 reps then front raises for 20 reps. Alternate back to presses then alternate to 10 reps of front raises and 20 reps of lateral raises.

Then we do sets of 10 with Thor’s Hammer. I’m up to 10 pounds on the end of that stick. It’s a bitch!

Lats dumbbell rows 8 reps then 15 reps.
These I’m doing 130 and 100 for 10 and 20 reps.

Wide grip pull downs 190 lbs for 10 reps one set.

Triceps 115lb throws or skull crushers with your arms at a 45. Then do 95lbs for 15 reps.

Now I’m doing 115 for 10 and 85 for 20.
French press 8 reps and then 15 reps.

French press 190 for 10 reps.

Push downs 140 lbs for 10 reps
Then 2 sets of curls for 8 and 15 reps. 50lbs then 25 lb dumbbells.

Now doing 115 lbs for 10 reps on EZ curl bar and 95 lbs for 20 reps.

Let me know how you like it.


I’m gaining really good strength here. I can’t wait to try and max out my personal best of 225 for reps.

later everyone.


Sweet! COngratulations ny friend!

Great work man and it sounds like you are having a blast doing it.

Keep us updated.

Also a bit more on this event. When, where, what, etc…


We are moving to the strength sports link.

Hey everybody.

This post is long overdue. I’ve been posting a training log but for whatever reason it is in the supplements and nutrition section.

Here’s the link


Information on the World Record 225 Bench Press Challenge that Ron Madison will be participating in can be found in the following thread http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do?id=489579

Update 1/21/2005

We are changing phases once again.

Our bench days are as follows

8-10 reps bench
25-30 reps bench
25-30 rep flyes
Alternate shoulder raises, one set front raise, one set side raise, 25-30 reps
The following workout do shoulder presses 25-30 reps one set.
Seated cable pulls with very wide grip. Two sets 25-30 reps, one set elbows out and pulling high and one set elbows in and pulling low.
One set of french press with cable. The cable is pulled parallel to the floor. This allows you to hold your elbows in easier. 25-30 reps.

2 sets of Throws or Skull crushers at with upper arms angle back at 45 degrees. 2 sets 25-30 reps

1 set curls 25-30 reps.

Leg day is essentially the same. Except everything is done in 25-30 rep sets. I’m also incorporating 10 minutes of cardio at the end of the workout.

Check out the site for this event in February 11-13th.

Damn man glad to see you are still with us and still traininghard.

Hope all is going well in training and life,


1/30 update

We were only on that phase for 3 workouts. Now our phase is almost identical to the one above but here’s the difference.

1st set of bench 15-20 reps
2nd set of bench 25-30 reps
1st set of flyes 25-30 reps


Day A Front Shoulder raises 25-30 reps
Day B Standing shoulder press 25-30 reps
Day C Side Shoulder raises 25-30 reps
Day D Standing shoulder press 25-30 reps
Repeat cycle.

1st set seated cable row elbows out bar pulled up high in the chest 25-30 reps
2nd set seated cable row elbows down and bar pulled to the stomach. 25-30 reps

This is a potpourri that changes every workout. Pick 3 different triceps exercises and do sets of 25-30 reps. Here’s what we are doing now.

25-30 rep french press
25-30 reps throws (ideal for the upper head and strength for bench)
25-30 reps pull downs
25-30 reps pull downs with the rope attachment
25-30 reps reverse grip pull downs.


1 set 25-30 rep standing curls. We really could care less about Bi’s but we do one set to prevent injury.

Lowerbody Legs

25-30 reps lower trunk twists
25-30 reps russian twists
25-30 reps sit ups on the glute ham machine
Max reps of lower back hyper extensions on the glute ham machine.

2 sets of calves 25-30 reps

DAY A seat calf raises
DAY B donkey calf raises
DAY C standing calf raises
Repeat Cycle


We do 3 warm up sets before these typcially 5 reps a piece.
Day A Squats 25-30 reps
Day B Deads 25-30 reps


Day A single leg leg press 25-30 reps
Day B step ups 25-30 reps


Glute Ham raise 2 sets Max

Cardio 10-15 minutes with heart rate up to the max level. for me I’m 31 and I target my heart rate at 171 for 10 minutes

That’s it only 2 weeks till the contest.

1 week before the contest.

You guys I can’t believe how much my strength has gone up on this program. Last week monday I was only able to pump out 25 reps of 185 for my first set.

ON Wednesday I was able to pump out 31 reps of 185 on my first set.

Saturday I pumped out 28 reps of 205 on my first set!

I’ve never experienced gains like this in my life! If I ate better and slept better they might even be greater.

If you are interested in doing the 225 for reps for the combine tests. Definately follow this log. It’s incredible.

This last week before the contest is all about training very lightly and allowing all the muscles to fully recover. It’s all about letting the Central Nervous System recover.

I’m still training hard because I’m not in the competition. However Ron is just doing 1 set of bench 235 for about 30 reps. Something light to keep him in shape.

1 set of everything else we have been doing but just not as much weight.

Anyhow, I’m feeling really pumped I think I might even try the 225 reps just for my personal best. I bet I can get 27-30 on good rest and getting fully recovered. I’ll let you know.

The contest is this Saturday Feb 12

AWESOME results and good luck,

thanks for the log,


I’ve doing the velocity diet now. I’ve been on it 10 days. The first 9 were brutal!!! I was jetting the porcelain with all those protein drinks.

I ran out of protein drinks so I had to just eat eggs and meat for a day until I bought some.

I bought 2 other brands and they were awful! They said they were whey protein but man let me tell you that must have been the lowest grade form of protein because I felt like I was going to die! I got my new Low-Carb Grow! and what a difference. The Grow! is the best out there.

Anyhow, I cut my calories down to 1200-1500 on the velocity diet that’s really low for me since I weigh 300 lbs.

I’m taking HOT-ROX and MAG-10 to keep the muscle and lose the fat.

MAG-10 has done amazing stuff. I’ve gotten more energy, and I’m lifting more on less calories. I’ve only been taking it 3 days now but what a difference.

I’m thinking of doing a 3 week cycle of MAG-10 while on the velocity diet to keep the muscle.

Any recommendations here?

I can’t think of a better time for me to use the MAG-10 because I’m not interested in getting bigger. I am interested in losing fat and keeping muscle.

How long can I stay on MAG-10?


He lives. Great to see this logup again

Oh forgot and three weeks MAG-10 with your plan sounds spot on Dropping intake that lowI wouldnt do it without help.

Let us know how it goes.

Beginning Week 3 of Velocity. I’m intaking 1000-1200 Kcal a day.

300 g of protein, fish oil and flax seed.

I’m down 9 pounds. I may lose 20 by the end. Then when I come off the MAG-10 I’ll do the solid food and limit my intake to 40-80 G of Carbs per day.

The diet is brutal though. I’m not hungry although I have cravings like I’d like to eat a huge steak.

The strength is staying but the endurance is waneing.

I’m doing a colon cleanse too and a liver cleanse. I figure while on the Velocity I might as well go all out.

I’ll take the MAG-10 right till the end and then I’m going on Max doses of Alpha Male, M, and ZMA. Then I might go back and do the next round of Velocity with another 3 week of MAG-10 and then 2 weeks off.

I’m just curious as to how fast my body can drop the fat. I’ll keep you posted.


Holy crap your Cals are super low!!

Sorry, I miscalculated my Cals I’m at

  1. Thats eating 5 meals of Low-Carb Grow! at 60 g protein per sitting with 1 Tsp of fish oil each meal.

I guess this low calorie stuff has messed with my head.

I don’t know how much longer I can make it on the Velocity Diet. I’m dreading drinking my shakes. I need to go have another one here. Today I only had 1500 Kcals. So I would say I’m at 1500-1800 Kcals a day.

That’s not much when you’re 300lbs.
