hey there greetings from the other side of the world.
little background:
i was really fat judoka about 92kg then one day i realised that i ddin’t like my body kept training and dieting my ass off down to 75kg and i had a nice physique then last year i started rowing and i lost weight very quickly to become 59kg.
i started a 5X5 and gained some muscle to reach 65kg in 2.5 months and that’s where i stand now.
i got bored of the 5X5 so to spice things up i had a book about chuck sipes , and i decided to use the training info in there since i really like the old timers physiques, iam still rowing 4 days a week and i had permission from my coach to bodybuild because its my passion.
i hadn’t been in a gym for 3 weeks prior to today because i had midterms and other shit so today was a new starting point, so i took it easy.
-Warm Ups-Push Ups 3 X 15
Do fairly rapid and get blood circulating well.
-Seated Press behind Neck 3 X 8 X50kg
Fairly wide grip ? Keep back straight Good smooth
motion-Non lockout-Two deep breaths between each
-Seated Barbell Front Press 4 X 6 X50kg
Shoulder width grip.
-Lying Pullover & Press (Bar) 4 X 8 X65kg
First you do a bent arm pullover and then you do
a bench press.
-Heavy Cheat Barbell Curl 5 X 2 X45kg
You may cheat on these by rocking forward slightly
and with aswing and backbend curl the weight up ?
then slowly lower the weight down to the start position
Use heavy weight.
-Seated D.B. Concentration Curls 5 X 8 X10kg
Pump arms good on these after doing heavy
cheat curls.
Alternate these (2) exercises-one then the other as this will flush more blood into the
arms and give you added ligament and tendon strength, plus add some inches to your
arms-which has a lot to do with added strength.
-Lying Barbell French Press 5 X 4 X25kg
Lie on a bench with the arms at arms length over
the chest. Keep elbows high, bending at the elbows
while lowering the bar to the forehead. Make triceps
do the work as you press the bar back to the starting
-One Arm D.B. Triceps Extension 5 X 6 X10kg
Pump the back of the arms good with these
Alternate these (2) exercises-one then the other
-D.B. Standing Lateral Raise 2 X 10 X10kg
Keep elbows straight and raise hands out to the side
(shoulder level).
-Barbell Back Squats 4 X 8 X65kg
Rest a bar on the shoulders behind the neck.
Inhale very deeply and squat all the way down.
Breathe deeply twice between each rep.
-Conventional Deadlifts 4 X 6 X65kg
With a barbell on the floor, bend at the knees and lean down over the bar while keeping
the back as straight as possible and your head up. Grasp the bar with a reverse grip and
pull the bar up along the thighs until you are in a straight up position. Rock backwards
slightly, between each rep. It is very important that you take two deep breaths between
each repetition.
i included the routine as it’s written exactly so that u can see what the late chuck advocated, it’s to be done 3 days a week for 4 weeks then move to the next one.
iam eating alot of food and i’ll try to get ne pics up asap