Ok, I have to give a little bit of a rant on this topic, so here it goes. The second ammendment to the Constitution was created in case we the people are ever to fall under the rule of a tyrant, so that we could have a chance of rebellion.
Now of course this was written back when citizens possessed the same guns as the military, so this was in a sense somewhat of a plausible assumption if everybody took up their second ammendment right. Presently, there’s a snowball’s chance in hell of our nation’s gun owners kicking the military’s ass; never going to happen.
Moving on, eliminating guns has to quite honestly be the dumbest fucking attempt at a solution I have ever heard. Let me explain this in a simple manner, what people demand will always be supplied. Yeah, let’s ban drugs, that way nobody can use illegal drugs!
Wow, that policy works great, nobody uses drugs because the government says they’re illegal, so if they’re illegal, nobody can produce and proliferate drugs. The drug war is lost, it’s a waste of our damn money when if they were legal there would be a decline in their use, less crime, less deaths, and we wouldn’t be paying for it.
Not to get off topic here, but this is directly relevant. People want guns, people will always have guns. A felon doesn’t apply for a firearms ID card or pistol permit, then go to a licensed gun store and purchase a firearm, you morons. He goes to an underground source and buys an unregistered firearm of his choice.
Now Mr. Felon goes in a store to commit armed robbery on Mr. Goodguy, but oh wait, Mr. Goodguy can’t buy a gun legally and he is a law aibidng citizen so he wouldn’t go underground to buy one, but yeah because they’re illegal Mr. Felon can’t have one! Anyway, Mr. Goodguy gets robbed and his head blown off because a select amount of ignorant jerkoffs tried to piss on his second ammendment right, boy you’ve made the nation safer. Click the link below and watch the first video on the page, then tell me about how great a system of outlawing guns works.
States with more people carrying have actually had comparitively lower instances of violent crime, in a recent national poll 88% of police officers support private citizen gun ownership. Now I’m not saying let’s sell guns to everybody, people should be checked out, I mean hell it took me nine weeks to get my firearm ID card and then even when I went to buy my rifle they called the State Police to confirm I hadn’t done anything between the time I was issued the license and the day I was trying to buy the gun.
If we’re all armed, then what advantage does a criminal now have?
About the whole debate with the police not going in immediately at the school, I’m not a law enforcement official so I don’t really know if they’re required to not do that, or if they were ordered not to, or if they were just that stupid. But the reality is that if they did what they were supposed to do, well, we have to come up with a better way of going about this situation.
I can’t understand how you can focus on setting up a perimeter when you hear gun shots and kids screaming, but this isn’t my field of knowledge so whatever.