I saw another anti-gun thread on here so i just wanted to show how lively the debate can get
to those who want a disarmed america (if your not american you can debate YOUR gun laws but i shouldnt hear a fuckin peep about ours), i want you to know that those slogans, take them from my cold dead hands, when guns are outlaw i will be an outlaw, are not empty talk.
if my country votes to try and take away my right to self preservation, i lose all loyalty to that country and from then on, will do whatever it takes to protect myself and my family, gun control laws be damned
We need an open-source gun design thread. I tried to get one going but it didn’t have much traction. Not enough people know how to work with metal or have the right tools.
We should compromise. Identify which demographic(s) (for ease, one that can be visually identified) is skewing gun violence stats so much, and make it illegal for them to own firearms.
[quote]orion wrote:
Sloth wrote:
Cockney Blue wrote:
Just trying to help you cut down on US gun violence.
For the greater good if you will.
That is, after all, governments job.
To be honest I’m trying to be sly, here. I figure if I tie it into race somehow, the 2nd would suddenly become a civil rights issue. Therefore, untouchable.
Why are there so many americans so fanatical about guns? ‘i want you to know that those slogans, take them from my cold dead hands, when guns are outlaw i will be an outlaw, are not empty talk.’ are pretty extreme statments to make.
i just want to point out that you use a pic form 300 for your avatar. those spartans were the source for the popular gun slogan “come and get them”. kind of an ironic coincidence
[quote]ewlyon wrote:
i just want to point out that you use a pic form 300 for your avatar. those spartans were the source for the popular gun slogan “come and get them”. kind of an ironic coincidence[/quote]
A gun is the greatest deterant there is. A bullet doesn’t care if you bench 300 or are a master of BJJ the bullet will help the average person who is being attacked defend themselves. Always be prepared for the worse case scenario.
[quote]sikunt wrote:
Why are there so many americans so fanatical about guns? ‘i want you to know that those slogans, take them from my cold dead hands, when guns are outlaw i will be an outlaw, are not empty talk.’ are pretty extreme statments to make.
Not flaming, just curious?[/quote]
And not a flame to you sir: I suppose when Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty or give me death.” he was making a rather extreme statement as well. They are extreme statements, yet a great many Americans truly mean them, myself included. I will never be disarmed as arms are the guarantor of freedom, and freedom is the only method by which mankind can eternally survive. It’s not about the guns; it’s about liberty.