[quote]beowolf wrote:
JeffR wrote:
beowolf wrote:
You do know the “slippery slope” is considered a fallacious argument in debate, right?
Hey, beowolf.
I disagree with that assertion. Here is an extremely thoughtful and relevant discussion about the slippery slope in England. This discusses in detail the history of loss of the right to bear arms in England. If you can’t stomach the meat of the discussion, please scan down to the conclusions.
I would hope the right would agree with me here. I’d rather have a bit too much gun control then the obvious lack we have now.
The Good Guys agree to a point.
How about a licensing system that requires a test? Maybe just a written one about gun safety, like a crappier version of the test you take to get a boating license ect…
Again, a positive step and example.
I trust government about as far as I can throw the White House.
Why did you just include the White House?
You can’t seriously trust the democrats in Congress?
I think it’s fair to say that you are a bit more enlightened than bradley.
But still, gun control, to me, is a too much is better than too little situation. Too much, and rights are infringed upon a bit, very bad. Too little, and shit like this happens. Still, i’d much rather see the happy medium, the golden mean.
Again, if we had faith that unscrupulous politicians wouldn’t screw this up, I think you’d find many more allies.
First of all, I said White House b/c it’s the first thing that comes into my head when I think “Government”. I don’t trust Hillary and the Dems any more. There are a select few whom I trust to do certain things. But none who I agree would do well in all areas.
What are your thoughts on what I said above? Is it better to risk falling down the slipper slope with some control, or better to have the obvious lack we have now?
The killers mindset wasn’t preventable. His violent actions weren’t preventable. But his acquisition of a gun WAS preventable, and should have been prevented.
You say I’d find more allies if you think the poli’s wouldn’t screw shit up. Well, I think they’d screw it up to. I think they’re screwing up now by having to little. And I’d rather they screw up by having a bit to much.
This country has too many conservatives for the 2nd amendment to fall the way of the dinosaurs. Too many people really like guns for gun banning to ever be acceptable, I believe.
So would you rather they screw up with too little, or would you rather they screw up with too much? Or is having too little justified by the dangers of having too much leading to the extreme?[/quote]
I hear what you are saying. There are some of us who think it would be a worse screw up if the politicians decided to have a go at this.
We really do think that trying to ban X amount of weapons, would only punish the law abiding.
Again, I can identify and can to some extent agree with you.
It’s funny, it almost sounds like a Federalist verus Anti-Federalist set of arguments. Who do you trust? The people or the politicians?
I don’t know how you stop every lone nut. However, I have some ideas.
First, DON’T SHOW THE SCUMBALL’S VIDEO/PICTURES. Copy-cat murders happen all the time.
Second, I can go along with a gun safety class. If for no other reason than to educate people.
Third, if you have a felony, you need to have x number of years of non-crime prior to getting a gun.
Those are some of my ideas of the top of my idea.