Ok damn, you want to start nit-picking the fact they have the same properties and molecular structure in a different state of matter fine, let’s look at it this way.
An ice cube cools a glass of water (well not even you need multiple ones), a glacier changes the water temperatures of an ocean. There’ just no comparison between domestic guns, especially the guns they allow us to buy, and a nuclear weapon. Comparing constitutional rights on a global scale using nations as individuals doesn’t quite work.
“Insanity in individuals is something rare; in groups, nations, epochs, it is rule.”
- Nietzsche
(I think that’s the proper quote, could be wrong)
We can do background checks and attempt to license the right citizens, much gun crime is committed with illegally ourchased weapons anyway. Now is this fool-proof, absolutely not, but is anything really?
We can’t do background checks on a country to see if we allow them to have nukes, we pretty much just consider if they are a threat to us or not, and if they are, we tell them to fuck off and we try to hinder them from developing nuclear capability.
Somebody gets a gun that shouldn’t, some people die, maybe a lot, but a whole country or multiple nations will not go under as a result of it. Nuke goes in the wrong hands, well, somebody(a nation) is screwed, and for a very, very, long time.