Okay so lately there has been a decent amount of talk about volume increase. The article by CW wrote got me started on making sure I put more volume on each week but here's my question.
So last week while doing ABBH1 I am suppost to be performing bench/row super sets. I usually start out with the right weight based on my 1RM and it comes out to be too heavy so I drop the weight between sets.
Last week I messed up and performed 2 sets of 5 with 185 and then did the 1 set of 175 for 10 followed by 2 sets of 155 for 10. For a total of 5 sets. According to my math, which I’m really bad at by the way I lifted 8550.
Now this week I performed the rep/sets correct although I ran into a weight problem again (being to heavy). I performed 2 sets with 180 for 10reps and then 2 sets of 155 for 10 reps and finally 1 set of 135 for 10 reps which I think equals 8050.
Although it was harder this week because I pushed heavier weight the first 2 sets it still didn’t beat my performance last week correct? If so than when you arn’t upping the volume was it a waste of my time today?