Volume Question

Okay so lately there has been a decent amount of talk about volume increase.  The article by CW wrote got me started on making sure I put more volume on each week but here's my question.

So last week while doing ABBH1 I am suppost to be performing bench/row super sets. I usually start out with the right weight based on my 1RM and it comes out to be too heavy so I drop the weight between sets.

Last week I messed up and performed 2 sets of 5 with 185 and then did the 1 set of 175 for 10 followed by 2 sets of 155 for 10. For a total of 5 sets. According to my math, which I’m really bad at by the way I lifted 8550.

Now this week I performed the rep/sets correct although I ran into a weight problem again (being to heavy). I performed 2 sets with 180 for 10reps and then 2 sets of 155 for 10 reps and finally 1 set of 135 for 10 reps which I think equals 8050.

Although it was harder this week because I pushed heavier weight the first 2 sets it still didn’t beat my performance last week correct? If so than when you arn’t upping the volume was it a waste of my time today?

yes, if i am understanding you correctly…

Overthinking. You can’t possibly increase volume every workout from here to death. How structured are your workouts? How long have you been working out?

Some of this information needs to be processed, not just breezed over and thought to be gospel. There are variables to consider. Life stress. Time between sets. Order of exercises. Diet.

I’m saying–no, your workout wasn’t a waste of time.

Throw that volume index idea out the window. I don’t care what anybody says. If your workout this week wa more challanging than last week and you used less total volume… then that should prove to you how valuable that volume template is. The only time a volume index is applicable is when you are doing the same weight and want to add an extra set or something. You can’t trade intensity for volume and expext it to be more beneficial because someone said so.

Increasing the load and progressivly is what makes the difference. If you want to increase the volume… fine, then do another set or workout more often. Keep the intensity level high though. this is the most important factor and this is generally made through a heavy load and by keeping it progressive. By doing this progressivly… you will in fact increase the volume every week.


5 x 10 Bench Press with 180 lbs, twice a week = 18,000 lbs.

Increase that Bench the next time by a measly 5 lbs… and bench 185 for a 5 x 10, then 5 more lbs for the 2nd workout at 190 & 5 x 10 and you now have added 750 lbs of volume.

Week 1
5 x 10(180) = 9000 lbs
5 x 10(180) = 9000 lbs

18,000 lbs total volume for the week.

Week 2
5 x 10(185) = 9250 lbs
5 x 10(190) = 9500 lbs

18,750 lbs total volume for the week.

If you want to increase your volume. Keep the intensity and do it this way, don’t sacrafic intensity for volume.

If you want volume, try this bullshit routine.
Bench Press 10 lbs for 5,000 reps a week = 50,000 lbs of volume.

You do the high volume workout with no intensity for a month, then do the lower volume with higher intensity workout for a month… then come back and tell me the difference between volume and intensity.

[quote]Go heavy fool wrote:
Throw that volume index idea out the window. I don’t care what anybody says. If your workout this week wa more challanging than last week and you used less total volume… then that should prove to you how valuable that volume template is. The only time a volume index is applicable is when you are doing the same weight and want to add an extra set or something. You can’t trade intensity for volume and expext it to be more beneficial because someone said so.

Increasing the load and progressivly is what makes the difference. If you want to increase the volume… fine, then do another set or workout more often. Keep the intensity level high though. this is the most important factor and this is generally made through a heavy load and by keeping it progressive. By doing this progressivly… you will in fact increase the volume every week.


5 x 10 Bench Press with 180 lbs, twice a week = 18,000 lbs.

Increase that Bench the next time by a measly 5 lbs… and bench 185 for a 5 x 10, then 5 more lbs for the 2nd workout at 190 & 5 x 10 and you now have added 750 lbs of volume.

Week 1
5 x 10(180) = 9000 lbs
5 x 10(180) = 9000 lbs

18,000 lbs total volume for the week.

Week 2
5 x 10(185) = 9250 lbs
5 x 10(190) = 9500 lbs

18,750 lbs total volume for the week.

If you want to increase your volume. Keep the intensity and do it this way, don’t sacrafic intensity for volume.

If you want volume, try this bullshit routine.
Bench Press 10 lbs for 5,000 reps a week = 50,000 lbs of volume.

You do the high volume workout with no intensity for a month, then do the lower volume with higher intensity workout for a month… then come back and tell me the difference between volume and intensity.


That’s more along the lines of what I was assuming. Although I wasn’t 100% sure. Thanks for the info.