The fundamental reasoning behind the leader-anchor setup is leader=volume and anchor=less volume and higher intensity.
Now, if one is to use the FSL template as a leader and as an anchor at 5x5, doesn’t it lead to an increase in volume during the anchor cycle in relation to the leader?
If we follow the recommendations with 5 pro’s during leader it’s basically 3x5 and then 5x5 with the FSL template across the board. During anchor, for week 1 and 3, it will be more than 3x5 if we account for the topset (if your TM is correct) and jokers. In addition the assistance work is doubled up during the anchor regarding recommended rep scheme.
As I see it the FSL template, if used in both leader and anchor, boils down to leader=volume, anchor=more volume and more intensity. And that defeats the purpose with the whole philosophy with the leader-anchor set up.
Or have I completely misinterpreted the philosophy or that the rep scheme for FSL should be lowered during the anchor accordingly? This hasn’t been addressed anywhere.
I’m looking to change from BBB 5x10 to FSL 5x5 during leader but the volume aspect of it all gets switched up. I don’t think it would be recommended to increase both intensity AND volume during the anchor cycle. Or?
Best regards.