*!Vitex Repost!*

I am reposting my reply to someone in the other
forum about Vitex here as I am sure many of
you have questions. Some of this may not
make sense to you as it has to do with someone
elses question about his wife’s PCOD and diabetes.

But there is some great info here.

Remember this, Biotest is the first and
currently only company with the balls to
take something that is traditionally a
“woman’s supplement”, investigate it, and
realize it would be awesome for men.

I am sure we will catch a bunch of hell from
assholes who have no clue and who want to
slam us…these fuckers are merely stupid or
ignorant or both.

If you’re smart and do some reading, you’ll
want to use Vitex (and better still, the new
combo product we call “M” because it seriously
kicks ass). I have been on Solaray Vitex for
5 weeks now. The effect on me has been similar
to Clomid as I am blowing massive loads, have
oily skin, a little acne, etc. I am also up
a few pounds and somewhat emotional (haven’t
you all noticed how short tempered I am lately
even more so than usual? It is the Vitex!).

Anyhow…here you go, enjoy:

Brock Strasser 2001-07-22 03:40:28
If you wife has PCOD and diabetes, she is playing with fire using anything other than her MD suggest. I am guessing he wants to use Clomid? I would not do anything other than what he/she says and I will not help you do anything else either. Vitex is an LH increasing agent. Clomid is also. Vitex (unlike Clomid) seems to decrease prolactin levels (this is a good thing in bb’ers for sure as increases in prolactin can lead to a rare type of gyno…probably/posibly the gyno the occassional trenbolone user experiences but I am speculating here for sure). Go get a physiology text and see what LH does in men and women (not the same thing, that is for sure). In a nutshell, LH is the hormone that regulate testosterone secretion in men. Vitex increases LH. Do the math. Now FSH may increase testosterone levels in men by inducing maturation of the Leydig cells in your nuts and Vitex does decrease FSH. But fuck, it’s a trade off I would do for sure, because while FSH may help a little, LH is the big kehuna here without ANY doubts at all!!! Also prolactin tends to inhibit both LH and FSH so if you ace the prolactin, you get more LH and FSH. Vitex does this quite well. Prolactin can also directly inhibit spermatogenesis so Vitex is probabky a help there too. I am guessing that Vitex will have an effect of a hybrid between HCG and Clomid. HCG has almost no FSH type effect and a lot of LH effect. So Vitex, even though it is known as a female’s herb, has a profound effect in men. Let’s talk about women and why they would use Vitex. Estrogen (in women) works in a POSITIVE feedback loop to increase LH. LOWER ESTROGEN = MORE LH!!! LH is what causes follicle maturation and ovulation to occur (along with FSH). Progesterone is primarily made in the corpus luteum of the follicle (in the ovary during the “luteal phase” of the menstrual cycle). So if you give a woman Vitex, LH increases which will stimulate the Graffian follicle to maturity and increase progesterone. Men don’t have ovaries and thus, Vitex won’t increase progesterone in men for this reason. Estrogens are also produced in the ovaries. LH (and FSH more so) will also effect this. Men don’t have ovaries. Vitex will not increase estrogen in men unless the extra testosterone secreted by using Vitex leads to more aromatization into estrogens. Anovulatory women can sometimes benefit from Vitex for the same reason they do with Clomid or HCG (or HMG). Clomid is better than Vitex (in theory) for infertile women because it acts as an anti-estrogen at the pituitary and will cause FSH levels to rise allowing for maturation of the ova (you need both FSH and LH for optimal fertility…Vitex doesn’t work optimally but it does help in something like 70% of the cases). Just as a heads up, LH seems to regulate the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone and FSH seems to regulate THE AROMATIZATION of androgens to estrogens in the follicle. Additionally…as estrogen levels rise, so does FSH while LH decreases. As estrogen levels drop, FSH decreases and LH increases. This might explain why Vitex inhibits FSH. Finally, Vitex is merely one of the many ingredients in “M”, Biotest’s new Clomidesque goodie. The other stuff is in there for many reasons :slight_smile: You can use regular Vitex if you are in a hurry but it will be worth the wait for my new goodie for sure!!! Brock

Brock, how many caps are you taking a day and what time of day? also what about stacking it with Tribex?

There has already been 3 versions of Tribex that hit the market. Why not include Vitex in a newer version?

Brock, relax. I wasnt slamming you guys (Biotest). I am a loyal follower of T-Mag, and Biotest supps are the only supps I use! I was just asking for your guys expertise on Vitex since my wife was recommended to take Vitex by an wannabe expert. And by wannabe, I mean someone with a MD after her name, taking my $10 co-payment of my medical insurance, and now hearing your knowledge of the subject, it makes me question this MD, not Biotest. This MD said all woman should take Vitex, the way all men should take trib. SO, I hope I am not the one you think was slamming you guys. And I wasnt asking for you or anyone else to give me a medical diagnosis or therapy, but just a little slice of knowledge from you guys. thanks for the info, and I am glad my wife didnt take any Vitex, any also knowing she should get a second opinion from a different MD.

I am on a liquid form of vitex for only three days and have similar effects to Brock! Oily skin, a few pimples, and increased aggression!

NYC Fireman - Vitex should only be taken
by women with severe PMS symptoms related to
LH/FSH or prolactin problems or by anovulatory
women who can’t get Clomid.

If Clomid doesn’t work for your wife, Vitex
will not either. -


All I know is when I read “massive loads” I laughed my ass off for 5 minutes! It totally caught me by surprise.

What dosage is recommended?

Brock, do you have lab reports on free T & E levels yet???

Oh, also, I second including it in Tribex. Tribex is already marketed as a T-booster, it would be confusing to have two (with one of them also being an anti-estrogen).

Hey Mike. Tell us the brand, dosage, & price of the liquid Vitex you are using.

This is not a democracy. It is not a vote.
This is a benevolent dictatorship and that’s
the way it is. Tim and TC run this joint
with Shugart’s excellent assistance and
Bill/I are just hired, mad scientists types.

So it is not open to a vote, fugettaboutit!!!

Vitex is *not* being incorporated into Tribex. There are other ingredients in "M". Vitex is merely one of several. Don't you think the other ingredients *might* be very critical and important or do you think I just threw them in for shits and giggles?

Tribex is an awesome product that has some intrinsic bonerific properties probably related to Tribulus' effect on the NO system. This makes it a true herbal "Viagra". It may have a slight effect on LH too.

But Vitex has zero effect on the blood flow to your Johnson. It is an LH secretagogue that has some estrogen lowering properties. It is more like Clomid than Viagra.

Additionally, one of the ingredients in "M" has positively and dramatically shown to increase the efficacy of other anti-estrogens. Another one is an anti-estrogen and another can help clear estrogen through the kidneys (not I3C or DIM either).

Come on now!!! I developed MD-6, T-2, Androsol and Nandrosol...you guys think I didn't try to attack steroidal side effects from all possible angles with "M".

I would wait for “M”…it is worth it and
whole lot more.

In fact, for older guys or guys with boner
problems, I would imagine an “M”/Tribex
stack would kick some serious ass!!!


OK here is the question…I am in the middle of a nandrosol cycle, and started Vitex on Saturday. Within a day, my sex drive has plummeted, and I am not even waking up with morning wood…what the fuck?? (Saturday I loaded vitex…10-500MG capsules, and each day I take 3 in am, 3 in pm after that) I know the Nandrosol supposedly converts to nalderone or something like that…which can at the sterioud level (not prohormone) have an effect on sex drive…so I guess I am trying to figure out what is going on. Is it that the Vitex is lowering E levels and making the nandro more potent? is it the Vitex? More info, I have been on the T_dawg keto diet for 3 weeks…can that be it? This morning I reintroduced carbs into my diet…and kind of started massive eating style to see if that is the problem…because sex drive decreased somewhat last week…not too bad…but I could feel it…felt it was due to the keto diet…but once I started taking the Vitex…it just dropped out COLD…was even taking a look at some nekkid photos on the net last night (since the Vixen is still recovering…she cant help :slight_smile: ) and didn’t even feel the slightest stirring…HELP!

Don’t worry about it Whopper, it will give you more time to focus on your training and MA competition. Seriously, I’ve been taking Vitex for over 2 months now and have noticed only positive results in the libido department. My dosage is significantly less though, I take 500mg in the AM and 500mg before bed.

Whopper, After reading your personal saga on the forum over the last
few months, my humble opinion is that you’re temporarily “BURNT-OUT!”
Why?.. (1.) Family crisis.(Vixen’s operation and exhaustive rehab.)
(2.) New job…(3.) Heavy training schedule (weights & martial arts training)
leaving you overtrained?..(4.) Maybe inadequate sleep to meet these
tremendous demands? (5.) Playing MR. Mom… Perhaps all of this is causing your
sex drive to go A.W.O.L ?.. Hey, Whopper, do you not think that if you weren’t
going thru all these challanges but were on a romantic vacation in Hawaii
with the little woman, you would be lacking any drive?..NO!..Sounds like you’re
human after all…At age 39, my soldier has failed to come to attention more than
a few times, and it’s always when I’m under heavy stress…Give it time, both the
Vitex and yourself… (Joey Z.)

Whopper, you are taking too much Vitex.
Cut the dose in 1/3rd. Also sounds like
you have “dreaded deca dick” from Nandrosol.

Add in some androsol or testosterone and
I suspect your willie will work wonders :slight_smile:


Joey Z…admit my humanity?? NEVER! laughs You do have a point there Joey, but I was blessed with the sex drive from hell…so when it sudenly goes kaput I panic immediatly!! For some reason it is sensitive as well…a year ago I took Wieders Androsteindione…5 days on that and I had the SAME issue…was ready to find the old man and snap his neck! I couldnt throw that stuff out fast enough! So I paniced when the vitex seemed to make this happen. Brock…thank you…I will cut down the Vitex, and I think I will cut out the nandro…at least until I get some andro,hopefully things will “pick up” (pun intended!) Brock…just out of curiosity…why would the vitex make this happen so quickly and dramaticly? If you could…please give me the reasoning behind this for my own future reference!

Hey there Brock…

Forgive an ignorant Australian, but could you explain what Vitex is? Is there a generic name for it? And where should I be looking for it?

You Americans get all the cool stuff.

Radar, The full name is Vitex agnus-castus. It’s an herb that alsocan be sold under the name Chaste Berry Extract. You should be able to pick it up at most health food stores (at least in the US). It’s also available on the intenet from a number of sources. I get mine online from Beyond-A-Century.


Thanks for the tip my friend…
We have a good health food store locally, so I’m goin’ shopping!