Vision1's Training Log

I’ve decided to make a training log for my off-season (lacrosse) training. It should last almost 6 months and I’ll try and get every workout posted.

About me:

  • 17 years old
  • male

Here’s the Basic template I’ll be using:


Heavy Squat
Heavy PC
Extra Unilateral Quad

Glute Circuit
Ab Work


Heavy Bench
Horizontal Pull
Unilateral Pull
Rotational Work

Scap Circuit
Neck Work


Heavy Pull
Heavy Unilateral Quad
Extra PC

Glute Circuit
Ab Work
Ankle Work


Heavy Vertical Pull
Vertical Push
Unilateral Push

Forearm Work
External Rotation Circuit
Neck Work

Later into the off-season I’ll include plyometrics/sprints before some of the workouts, and for the first phase or two all the extra work will be done at the start of the workouts (glute, scap, etc.). For periodization I’ll be training for strength and size at the start, followed by speed, and then endurance. Injury prevention is also important to me so I’ll focus on that as well.

August 21, 2006

WEIGHT: 190lbs

Single-Leg Lowering: 3x12

Supine Bridge: 1x12
Bird-Dogs: 1x12
Supine Bridge: 1x12

ATG Back Squats: BARx1x15, 135x1x15, 135x2x12

Natural GHRs: BWx2x8, BWx2x6

Dynamic DB Lunges: 30x3x12

Leg Press Calf Raises: 200x2x15, 180x1x15

Workout went alright. It was my first time doing ATG squats. Last week I got 155lbs Back Squats to parallel with pauses at the top for 20 reps. This time without pauses and going ATG things were alot harder. For the Natural GHRs I still can’t do the full range of motion under control so at the bottom I have to do a pushup motion. For the Lunges 30 means 30 pounds in each hand, and 12 means 12 reps each leg. The weight was too easy for my legs but my hands were getting sore holding onto the weight for so long.

August 22, 2006

WEIGHT: 189lbs

BTN Band Pulldowns: 1x12
Prone Cobras (10-2): BWx1x3 (10 second holds)
BTN Band Pulldowns: 1x12

Neck Extension: Hand Pressurex1x12
Neck Curl: Hand Pressurex1x12
Neck Extension: Hand Pressurex1x12
Neck Curl: Hand Pressurex1x12
Neck Extension: Hand Pressurex1x1 (10 second hold)
Neck Curl: Hand Pressurex1x1 (10 second hold)

Flat Bench Press: Barx1x12, 65x1x6, 95x1x6, 115x1x6, 135x1x5, 145x1x3, 115x1x6

Inverted Rows: BWx3x8, BWx1x7

Two-point Rows: 30x1x12, 30x2x10

Russian Twists: 25x3x15

As you can see, I’m pretty weak at the moment. Inverted rows were done with my feet elevated. If you don’t know what a two-point row is, you can find a video for it in Mike Robertson’s “High Performance Core Training”. The russian twists were done with a 25lbs plate.

The reps might seem a little high but they’ll change throughout the phases of my off-season.

If anyone wants the full program just ask, and I’ll pm the file.

not saying you shouldn’t do this…but there is a journal function if u click that ‘my T-Nation’ link. u can keep ur workout log there bro.

Thanks, I didn’t know about that

EDIT: you mean the blog?

I would either put powercleans a head of squats or move them to a different day. They take a lot neurally and you’ll perform better if they’re first thing

[quote]ExNole wrote:
I would either put powercleans a head of squats or move them to a different day. They take a lot neurally and you’ll perform better if they’re first thing[/quote]

I agree.

[quote]Xen Nova wrote:
not saying you shouldn’t do this…but there is a journal function if u click that ‘my T-Nation’ link. u can keep ur workout log there bro.[/quote]

A lot of people (including myself) use a thread for their journal. You’re the first to complain.

Vision1, is this Designer Athletes?

Vision, are you using standard linear periodization for your squat? What set/rep schemes do you plan on using for this “Strength” phase? Also, I know some of us brought this up on your last thread, but, you may want to at least learn how to box squat, so when you start sprinting and plyos, you can incorporate it because the Box squatting will tend to not leave you as sore.

To the person who brought up cleans, I didn’t see them listed in the program (or at least I thought PC was posterior chain?).



[quote]El_Animal wrote:
Xen Nova wrote:
not saying you shouldn’t do this…but there is a journal function if u click that ‘my T-Nation’ link. u can keep ur workout log there bro.

A lot of people (including myself) use a thread for their journal. You’re the first to complain.

Vision1, is this Designer Athletes?


It’s similar, but I changed it up a little to fit my needs.

[quote]Tags wrote:
Vision, are you using standard linear periodization for your squat? What set/rep schemes do you plan on using for this “Strength” phase? Also, I know some of us brought this up on your last thread, but, you may want to at least learn how to box squat, so when you start sprinting and plyos, you can incorporate it because the Box squatting will tend to not leave you as sore.

To the person who brought up cleans, I didn’t see them listed in the program (or at least I thought PC was posterior chain?).



The program has been changed a little since I started that thread. Right now I have DE Box Squats in my 5th Phase. But I’m still not sure about using them because I have gotten people saying both use them, and not use them.

You were right about PC being posterior chain. As for Cleans, I’m still debating whether to use them or high pulls, but right now it’s set to high pulls.

EDIT: I sent you the program in a word file so you could see the rep schemes.

[quote]ExNole wrote:
I would either put powercleans a head of squats or move them to a different day. They take a lot neurally and you’ll perform better if they’re first thing[/quote]

PC = Posterior Chain exercise

[quote]vision1 wrote:
ExNole wrote:
I would either put powercleans a head of squats or move them to a different day. They take a lot neurally and you’ll perform better if they’re first thing

PC = Posterior Chain exercise[/quote]

All these damn abbreviations!

August 24, 2006

WEIGHT: 191 lbs

Ab Rollouts (from knees): BWx3x12

X-Band Walks: 3x9(each way)

Deadlifts: 135x1x10, 185x1x5, 225x1x5, 245x1x5, 275x1x5 (PR), 295x1x1 (PR)

Step-ups: Barx1x8, 65x3x8

Reverse Hypers: BWx3x12

It was my first time doing X-Band walks, Step-ups, and reverse hypers. For some reason the step-ups were tiring my traps (I was using a BB). I was using a 20 inche box for those. For reverse hypers I didn’t have a machine, so I had to put a BOSU ball ontop of a banch and lie on top of that, it was very hard to stabilize.

I think my grip is the weak link in my deadlift because for 275 and 295 I was pretty much holding on by my fingertips. Maybe I just need some chalk.

August 26, 2006

Weight: 193 lbs

Various Neck Exercises

Pullups: BWx1x6, BWx1x5, BWx3x4

External Rotations: 3x12

Military Press: Barx1x10, 85x1x8, 85x1x7, 85x2x6

Unilitareral Bench Press: 30x3x10

September 11, 2006

I’m going to start putting everything up now in my training log.

WEIGHT: 193lbs

ATG Squats: Barx1x10, 135x1x8, 185x5x4, 185x1x5

DB RDLs: 70sx4x8

DB Bulgarian Split Squats: 35sx2x10

1-legged calf raises: BWx3x15

Prone Bridge: BWx3xMax Time

Supine Bridge: BWx3x15

September 12

WEIGHT: 193 lbs

Bench Press: Barx1x12, 95x1x8, 135x1x3, 135x2x4, 140x3x3

Bent-over BB Rows: 115x4x8

1-arm high pulley row: 44x1x12, 44x1x10, 44x1x8

Russian Twists: 20x3x20

Prone Cobras: BWx2x4 (10 second holds)

Various Neck exercises

I just got my schedule, and I’m going to have a lacrosse game saturday morning, and a hockey game friday night. What would be the best way to set up my week to get the most recovery, and best performance?

Stop weighing yourself everyday. How much gain do you expect in a week?