My deadlifts have been increasing for the most part but when pulling heavier weights for multiple reps my back tends to round and the rounding increases as I’m further into the set.
Here is a video, 415x8. Any suggestions/critique on it? Should I try to start with my ass lower and more of a tight arched lower back?
you have good strength but you muscle up your deads with a rounded back and it gets worse as you go along.
looks like you could work a little on setting up with more of your mass behind the bar, your shoulders are infront of the bar. i’d also do alot of hypers/gm’s and rows to bring up lower/upper back strength, will help you stay stiff.
other than that i hate high rep deads because form goes to shitter. switching to training deads with doubles singles triples allow you to focus on your set up. if you wanna rep stuff out stand straight between each rep and set up all over again. try setting up and begin your pull knowing/feeling that if you let go of the bar in the middle of the pull you gonna fall backwards.
i’d say for 4-5 weeks do facepulls and goodmornings, 50+ reps as heavy as you can do each workout 2-3 times a week. then for 2-3 weeks drop down to 20-30 reps and go much heavier. rinse and repeat.
Yeah you start off rounded, it’s not good. How close is the bar to your shin when you start? It looks to me like the bar starts out away from you a little bit, maybe get some high socks and really try to scrape it up your leg as you lift? For accessories I’d go heavy on RDLs or good mornings to focus on sticking your butt back and then driving your hips forward with it.
I would sit back more using the glutes, push off more with the heels if you’re not already doing so. Otherwise everything looks decent to me. chest up, bar close to shins, head is stable. There’s always going to be a little bit of rounding when going heavy so i wouldn’t worry about it.
The reason for the higher reps is just because I am doing 5/3/1 so each week has the last all out set. I could for a while just start doing the prescribed reps on each week and then do some sets of 1-3 reps with a higher weight. Next week I got 440 on my 5/3/1 week, I’ll try to get a video up of that one also.
[quote]bluerock wrote:
I would sit back more using the glutes, push off more with the heels if you’re not already doing so. Otherwise everything looks decent to me. chest up, bar close to shins, head is stable. There’s always going to be a little bit of rounding when going heavy so i wouldn’t worry about it. [/quote]
[quote]anonymous_burn wrote:
Yeah you start off rounded, it’s not good. How close is the bar to your shin when you start? It looks to me like the bar starts out away from you a little bit, maybe get some high socks and really try to scrape it up your leg as you lift? For accessories I’d go heavy on RDLs or good mornings to focus on sticking your butt back and then driving your hips forward with it.[/quote]
I’ll double check on my set up next time. I think the bar is a little passed mid foot. I’ll try going a little closer and sitting a little more back focusing on driving with my heals.
I plan on good mornings for this Friday.
Do you guys like using a normal straight bar or a saftey squat bar for good mornings? I feel my hamstrings get more work with the straight bar. Or do you feel one would benefit me over the other?
SCOOZE: Mike Robertson has modified 5/3/1 to 3/2/1 (no 5 reps+) for that reason. maybe you should follow his template while you get your form down. he just posted an article, check it out.
You never seem to set your lower back arch. It doesn’t have to be super arched, just slightly arched or neutral. But yours seems to be slightly rounded from the time you reach down to the bar until you initiate the pull and throughout most of the pull. I would just make a conscious effort to reach down to the bar with a neutral or arched lower back, and make sure you’re in that position when you initiate the pull. I would also normally repeat what the other people have said about doing such high reps for deadlifts normally screwing up people’s form. But if you’re doing 5-3-1 then doing it for reps is part of the program. And I haven’t read 5-3-1 in awhile, but I think Wendler advocates doing touch and go??
Check out the article “Proper Back Position for Power” by Mark Rippetoe
It really helped me out when I got back into conventional deads
I’d listen to the above posters and drop the higher rep stuff untill you get your technique sorted out
Good strength on that 415 X 8…get your low back and hips “set” correctly and you’ll pull even stronger…
Thanks. I’ll check it out.
[quote]ragoo wrote:
You never seem to set your lower back arch…And I haven’t read 5-3-1 in awhile, but I think Wendler advocates doing touch and go??[/quote]
I noticed that also, I’ll be sure to have an arch in my lower back next time. I think he says either or works. Seems to me though touch-n-go uses more momentum and deadstop requires more strength.
[quote]hanban wrote:
SCOOZE: Mike Robertson has modified 5/3/1 to 3/2/1 (no 5 reps+) for that reason. maybe you should follow his template while you get your form down. he just posted an article, check it out.[/quote]
Good article. I guess he keeps the percentages the same and just does the prescribed weights and reps? Seems like that would be a little easy for a few cycles, unless of course like mentioned before he does more sets of 1-3 ramping the weight.
I think after next week I’ll either go 3/2/1 or just do the prescribed reps of 5/3/1 then ramp the weight f
I had a similar issue with back rounding and hips rising first… and switched to the 531 for Powerlifting template, only for my deadlifts though. Seemed to work.
Also, I now treat all my 5 and 3 rep sets as singles for power and speed. So instead of simply repping out as you do in this video, I will reset my back and grip with every rep. This may take a couple of seconds but I’m happy to sacrifice a few extra seconds per set in the interest of not injuring my spine.
Having done this for a couple of cycles, I now find my “rep” deadlifting is far better as my body has learnt the motor patterns for good form.